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JHooverman edited this page Dec 15, 2014 · 36 revisions

Page translations: FAQ (castellano) FAQ (日本語) НПП SEG (Euskara)

(1) I have been told to look for a file in my profile directory. So where are all my profile data stored?

Please select the menu entry Help -> Configuration Information and then scroll to the Paths section.

(2) I have bookmarked a page, the star icon is shining, but I cannot see the bookmark in the Menu or in the bookmark panel.

When you add a bookmark from the star icon, it is automatically added to unsorted bookmarks folder.
You will find unsorted bookmarks only in the library (Ctrl+Shift+O)
You can move the bookmark to other folder with the star icon or in the library.       

(3) I cannot save any bookmark and my history is empty. What should I do?

At first, please check that you have installed the Qt SQLite plugin. On Debian this package is called libqt4-sql-sqlite and libqt5sql5 respectively on qt5. If you have it installed and you are still experiencing this issue, please run QupZilla from a terminal window and have a look at the output.
If it contains something like

QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record   
QSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record

it seems that your profile database is broken. You can check it with some SQLite database viewer like sqliteman for example. If the database is empty, then you can recover it by creating a new profile.
If this does not help, please open an issue.    

(4) QupZilla is using a lot % of my CPU. What can I do to cool it down?

Well, the problem with using excessive amount of processor time is very likely caused by some flash content running in the browser (most likely bad coded advertisement). You have 3 options to solve this:

  • Completely disable flash support by unchecking Preferences -> Browsing -> Web Configuration -> Allow Netscape Plugins (Flash plugin)

Disable flash support

  • Use the Click2Flash plugin by checking Preferences -> Extensions -> folder "WebKit Plugins" -> Allow Click to Flash. You will now have to start every flash content on a specific site manually.

Enable click2flash

  • Use AdBlock to filter adverts Menu Tools -> AdBlock -> Enable AdBlock. If your filters list is empty, press Options to add filter subscriptions or to create your own rules.

Enable AdBlock

(5) I have heard that QupZilla supports importing bookmarks from other browsers, but I can't find this feature anywhere.

This feature has been added in version 1.0.0-rc1.

You will find the Import Bookmarks option in Menu File -> Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks:


The importing wizard will then guide you through the importing process. As you can see you will be able to export your bookmarks as well.

(6) Site xyz offers less features in QupZilla than in other browser, is it possible to change the User Agent?

It might help, if you change the user agent in QupZilla. Starting with QupZilla version 1.1.8 you will be able to do this in the preferences:

Change user agent

It is even possible to define a User Agent per site:

Change user agent

(7) I have started QupZilla, but it looks very very different from the screenshots (very ugly!).

You have probably downloaded a tarball for another Linux distribution and executed QupZilla from it.
You need to move files from /usr/share/qupzilla directory in the tarball to (probably) /usr/share/qupzilla directory in your system.
The exact path can be found directly from QupZilla: Menu Help -> Informations about application -> Paths -> Data
After a restart of QupZilla, it should work.
If you are not using a tarball for another Linux distribution, please verify, that you did not forget to run make install.

(8) How can I get command line output in Windows?

You have to, obviously, run qupzilla.exe from command line. You will be able do it by following these steps:

  • Open Start -> Run -> type cmd.exe -> Enter
  • Then you have to cd into directory where qupzilla.exe is. For example: cd C:\\Program Files\QupZilla
  • To get output, you have to run qupzilla.exe 1> output.txt 2>&1 and output will be then written into output.txt file

(9) How will I be able to debug QupZilla in case of a crash?

I assume you are using Linux and have gdb installed:
At first, you will have to build QupZilla with debugging symbols. For this, please add CONFIG += debug into the src/defines.pri file.
Then start a debugging session:

gdb ./path/to/your/compiled/qupzilla

You will get into gdb prompt. Type:


QupZilla should be running now. Make the steps to reproduce the crash and gdb will inform you about that. Now type:


and you have a backtrace of the crash that you can paste into your issue.

Starting with version 1.3.0 QupZilla is able to generate a backtrace and to save it into a file when QupZilla crashes. You will find this file in


However, this will only work, if QupZilla has been compiled with DEBUG support and with the GNU project debugger (gdb) installed. Please consult the documentation of your distribution.

Note: Please remove # characters from your backtrace when you are pasting it into issue. Otherwise, you would reference issues with number following after # character.
The best way to send backtraces would be to upload them at gist    

(10) I have successfully compiled QupZilla on FreeBSD, but when I try to run it, only a blank window appears.

There is problem with raster graphics system on FreeBSD with (probably) NVIDIA drivers.
You can workaround it by running QupZilla with the native graphics system:

qupzilla -graphicssystem native

Please note, that running QupZilla with the native graphics system is very slow.

To fix this issue, you have to set 3 sysctls:


You can do it by

  • putting them in /etc/sysctl.conf and running /etc/rc.d/sysctl restart
  • set them manually with:
sysctl kern.ipc.shmmax=67108864
sysctl kern.ipc.shmall=32768
sysctl kern.ipc.shm_allow_removed=1

(11) I am not able to load a specific https:// website. What can I do?

The QtNetwork stack (unlike other browsers network stacks), which is a part of the Qt Framework, does not support a fallback from the TLSv1 handshake to SSLv3. Thus, if a specific server does not understand the TLSv1 handshake, QupZilla is not able to load this specific website. To allow QupZilla to overcome this issue, it uses a list of known non-working servers and automatically sets SSLv3 as handshaking protocol for them.

Starting with version 1.6.3 non-working servers can be added by the user to QupZilla's configuration file settings.ini, which is located in the profile directory.

If you find a specific https:// website, that might be affected by this issue, close QupZilla and open the configuration file with an editor of your choice. Go to the section [Web-Browser-Settings] and look for the parameter SSLv3Sites=. Per default the following servers are included:,,,,,,

Just add this specific website to this section, save the configuration file and you're done!

Important notice: Due to the poodle vulnerability it is highly recommended to avoid using the SSL3-protocol to connect to web-servers! QupZilla provides an option to disable the SSL3-protocol via Preferences -> Privacy -> Certificate Manager -> Settings.

(12) QupZilla's blog says, that nested bookmark folders are supported. I do not find this in QupZilla yet.

Starting with version 1.8.0 nested or multi-level bookmarks are fully supported.


Please check, if this version is available for your distribution and install it.

(13) Will QupZilla support the blink web rendering engine used in Chromium?

QtWebEngine is a new web engine based on Chromium, adopted for use within Qt, which has been introduced in the Qt-5.4 series. Given the fact that Chromium uses multi-process architecture, a lot of the API is now asynchronous (instead of synchronous as in QtWebKit). As a consequence a lot of advanced features in QupZilla will have to be adapted due to this change. For now, those features are simply disabled. The next QupZilla major release 2.0.0 will use the QtWebEngine only. Currently there is no release date planned for this, because the QtWebEngine is still under heavy development.

You can try QupZilla with QtWebEngine using the qtwebengine branch by cloning this with:

linux:~>git clone -b qtwebengine

To build QupZilla you will have to install libqt-5.4.0 and of course libqt5-qtwebengine. The package names might be different depending on your distribution. Then you can start compiling QupZilla by invoking


It is recommended to build QupZilla with NO_SYSTEM_DATAPATH, so it can be run directly from the \bin directory instead of installing it system-wide.

Please keep in my mind, that this branch is experimental and not every feature, that you might know from QupZilla 1.8.x, is available. Due to this fact please do not open issues for this branch on the issue tracker!

(14) Does QupZilla support Firefox and/ or Chrome extensions?

To answer this questions we would like to give you some background information about APIs and dependencies at a high technical level.

Firefox Extensions
Generally speaking it is possible to support firefox extensions via XUL (XML User Interface Language), which is Mozilla's XML-based language for building user interfaces of applications like firefox. These extensions are also known as traditional or classic. Due to the fact, that XUL is a completely different framework than Qt, there is no reasonable factor and benefit to mix two or more UI frameworks. The other type of firefox extensions, which are known as restartless or bootstrapped, may be supported, but it takes to much effort to implement them.

Chrome Extensions
From a technical point of view Chrome extensions are the same as the restartless or bootstrapped firefox extensions. In addition, because of the multi-process architecture, they support asynchronous messaging between extension and browser and between other extensions. Although it may be possible to somehow support these extensions, it is just too much effort again. It has to be mentioned, that there will probably be a huge impact on the performance of QupZilla, as all extensions will run in one single process in QtWebkit - which is not the case with Chrome.

Conclusion: Firefox and Chrome extension are currently not supported in QupZilla. Generally, it is not the goal of the project. It never was and never will be.

Please consider, that even without Firefox or Chrome extensions QupZilla is a full-featured web browser! Thus, it comes with many features, that provide the almost same functionality with a high integration into your browsing experience:

AdBlock was designed to subscribe to 3rd party filter lists and/ or to create own filter lists. By selecting suitable filter subscriptions it will be possible to achieve a functionality, that comes close to ghostery or noscript.

Blocks unwanted flash content. User-defined whitelist entries are supported.

Mouse Gestures
Provides support for navigating in webpages by mouse gestures

Provides support for userscripts (

Access Keys Navigation
Provides support for navigating in webpages by keyboard shortcuts

Personal Information Manager
Adds the ability for Qupzilla to store some personal data for filling out formulars in the web

The name says it all

Basic RSS reader implementation

Provides support for autoscroll with middle mouse button

Opens video links from video sharing services in an external program

Makes QupZilla handle mailto links in online services

Adds additional icons (like for example AdBlock, GreaseMonkey, Images, Javascript, network status) and a zoom widget to statusbar

A TabManager-Plugin for QupZilla

A plugin to manage flash cookies

(15) I have problems with the facebook web-page. How can I fix it?

If you have problems to access, then please try to do the following steps:

1 - Change the user agent to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows 7; rv:24.0) Gecko/20131101 Firefox/24.1.0
2 - Disable java script
3 - Use the mobile version of Facebook

Unfortunately this issue is caused by QtWebkit, which will have to be fixed upstream. Please have a look at this issue as well.

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