I detected an issue with this release, I'm going to send a fix asap.
If your console crashes on launch, DO NOT PANIC and simply delete the files at /luma/sysmodules/0004013000003502.ips
and /luma/titles/0004013000003502/code.ips
using GodMod9 (hold START on boot)
I deleted this release's files so no one else attempts to download it (not dangerous but i messed up)
Yep, you read that right. RobTop wasn't fast enough 😎
Anyway here's what's new :
- Added support for StreetPass and Friends notifications ! (finally)
- Also added support for two unknown/unused? notifications (no "low battery" support for now sorry)
- Added a custom pattern editor when "pattern for LED" is set to "custom" (then select "set custom notification pattern" in the menu)
- Rewrite of the way the patch is made (fixes some problems with the old one, no manipulation needed)
- Fixed a lot of bugs
The custom pattern editor is not really complete, i plan to add a copy/paste function because it can be pretty annoying to do everything manually
The save/restore feature is (probably) coming next, and i'm also gonna do researches on how can i modify the "low battery notification"
Have fun :)
QR code download :
(deleted release files to avoid problems)