This project is just a demo project involving SignalR, RabbitMQ and Docker technologies.
The gateway of IoTDeviceDataIngestor.ApiGateway
receive data from a fictional IoT device through the following REST API:
- Route: /api/IngestData
- Method: POST
- Content-Type: application/json
The request is a generic array of generic object, this is due to the demo purpose of this project.
"data1": "string",
"data2": 0.0,
The controller defined in the IoTDeviceDataIngestor.IngestionService
send the request to a RabbitMQ queue, there another service, the IoTDeviceDataIngestor.ProcessingService
is listening on this queue which chunk the element content in it, and through SignalR sends message in parallel, for each chunk also executed in parallel, to all the client listening to the following REST API:
- Route: /api/dataHub
- Method: GET
The response is, like the request of the POST API, a generic array of generic object, this is due to the demo purpose of this project.
"data1": "string",
"data2": 0.0,
You need to value the folling environment variables:
Key | Value | Description |
API_GATEWAY_HOST | The host name you are given | |
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT | Depends by the environment, could be Development or Production |
QUEUE_NAME | The name of your RabbitMQ queue | |
RABBITMQ_HOSTNAME | The name of your RabbitMQ Host |
participant Client
participant ApiGateway
participant IngestionService
participant RabbitMQ
participant ProcessingService
participant DataHub
Client->>ApiGateway: POST /api/IngestData
ApiGateway->>IngestionService: Route /api/IngestData
IngestionService->>RabbitMQ: Publish message
loop Message Queue
ProcessingService->>RabbitMQ: Consume message
RabbitMQ-->>ProcessingService: Send message
ProcessingService->>DataHub: SendChunkedMessages(jsonArray)
loop Parallel Chunks
DataHub->>Client: Send chunk