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Ferdinand Calo edited this page Aug 19, 2022 · 78 revisions

Note: This wiki will not be updated anymore.

As soon the new dedicated wiki is done this one will be deleted.

Until then, this wiki is still moderately actual/valid.

New wiki:

Welcome to the FVTM Wiki!

FVTM is a mod featuring and allowing you to create many things - relatively simple up to advanced.
Among other you can create with FVTM packs:

  • vehicles
  • parts for vehicles
  • materials / generic items
    • vehicle keys
    • fuel containers
  • food & beverages
  • fully functional (shipping) containers
  • roadsigns

The wiki is still work in progress! Help is appreciated!

General Usage Guides


Do I need to know java to make content?

Depending on what you want to do - no.

A lot is pre-configured, a lot you can do via the config files.
GUIs, Inventories, Fluids, Capabilities, all is there, you just give the mod your assets (textures/models)
and a configuration file for each of the DataTypes (Vehicle, Part, Material, etc.) - that's it.

You need to know java if you want to do more advanced things - like Vehicle Scripts.
You have to know what you're doing then, but if you do, it's not all too hard either.

Want to create Content?



Attributes / Customization

Models & Visuals

Things which require code or compiling:

Entity/Physics Systems:

Compat Mods

Other things:

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