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Release Notes

Marika Vertzonis edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 13 revisions

3.1.23 - 25 Feb 2021

  • Tap the satellite icon to see new location status data, map, and debug pages.
  • On the location status data page see current geographic coordinates, switch coordinate formats by tapping on the latitude, longitude or USNG labels, and copy paste coordinate values to from other apps.
  • On the location status map page see your current location (only if online).
  • On the location status debug page see incoming NMEA messages and choose to pause, record (to a NMEA log file) or clear messages.
  • On Windows, connections to Bluetooth GNSS receivers are now more stable.

3.0.36 - 27 June 2018

  • Direct connection to an external GNSS receiver is now supported
  • The destination can now be entered as decimal degrees, degrees minutes seconds, degrees decimal minutes, UTM (WGS84) or MGRS coordinates.
  • Bearing values are displayed on the navigation page (as well as the direction arrow).
  • Accuracy value now shown to two decimal places.
  • Reduced direction arrow bouncing when stationary.
  • Now when using the experimental compass mode, you will see a compass indicator in the top left-hand corner of the navigation page as a reminder.
  • Improved timing and display of arrival at your destination.
  • Improved speed in getting a 'fix' when Trek2There is launched from another app.
  • Coordinates can now also be copy / pasted from another app on Android (previously only iOS).
  • On Windows, when you launch Trek2There from another app, a new instance is no longer launched if an existing one is already open

2.0.302 - 29 June 2017

  • The arrival message has been removed. You will continue to see distances to your destination until you click ‘End’.
  • First person (augmented reality) view has been added. Tilt your device upwards to see your destination overlaid on your devices camera view.
  • Experimental features added, that allow you use additional sensors on your device including compass and gyroscope.

1.1.15 - 1 April 2017

  • Copy paste on iOS improved (copy single number value, a coordinate pair, or json coordinates).
  • When you are not moving, the direction arrow now has a strike-through symbol.
  • Scale of Setting icon in the 'no destination set' message has been improved.
  • Horizontal location accuracy indicator added.
  • Contrast button changed to be more different to the Settings button.
  • Accessibility parameters added.

1.0.187 - 24 Oct 2016

  • First release of Trek2There available in Google Play and Apple Store.
  • User can enter coordinates manually to see direction and distance, or launch Trek2There from another app using an app link that contains a destination.
  • Known issue on Android, callback to referring app displays a black screen. Close the app and reopen.
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