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Log of trek information

Marika Vertzonis edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 16 revisions

Trek2There can log trek information for analysis post travel. Information that is logged comes from the PositionSource and will vary depending on what information is available from your device. Information that can be reported by the PositionSource is:

  • timestamp - time and date of current position
  • pos_lat - current latitude
  • pos_long - current longitude
  • pos_dir - direction of travel at current position
  • klat - kalman filtered value of current position latitude
  • klong - kalman filtered value of current position longitude
  • az_to - bearing to destination from current position
  • dist_to - distance to destination from current position
  • degrees_off - bearing to destination minus the direction of travel at current position. This is the direction that the arrow points to.

This information is saved to a sqlite database on your device. You can copy this file to your desktop for analysis after completing your trek.

Logging is considered an advanced activity and can be enabled by a 'secret' action in the UI. Tap and hold on the version number on the About screen (About screen is accessed from the Settings page). Tap and hold the version number and see a "+" symbol appear to the right. "+" indicates that logging is enabled. Tap and hold the version number again and see a "-" symbol replace the "+". "-" indicates that logging is disabled. When you close the About page and return the "+" and "-" will not be shown, but the last choice will be remembered. You can tap and hold the version number to change the setting again.

The sqlite database is only created after ending your first trek (ie: you need to have set as destination and tapped "End" on the main screen. After the database has been created, each new trek will appear in the database only after you have set a destination and tapped "End" on the main screen.

You can copy this sqlite database off your device for analysis. Trekking to each new location, will add a new table of data to this file. This file can be deleted to reclaim memory on your device. If you delete the .sqlite file, a new one will be created next time you chose a destination to trek to, if logging is enabled.

Enable logging

  • Launch Trek2There
  • Go to Settings Settings, then About About
  • Tap and hold on the version number (see the "+" appear to the right of the version number).

NB: When you close the About page, your logging setting will be remembered until you next come back and tap and hold on the version number. The "+" or "-" symbol wont automatically be displayed when you come back to the About page.

Disable logging

  • Launch Trek2There
  • Go to Settings Settings, then About About
  • Tap and hold on the version number (see the "-" appear to the right of the version number)

View trek log information

  • Browse to ArcGIS > My Treks > Databases on your device
  • Copy the 88d6a7096b74c7b5cf868ad4b2c774f3.sqlite file to your desktop
  • Open the database in a database editor. An example editor is DB Browser for SQLite.
  • When you open the database see the following:
    • a table called "log" that lists the trekid's of each trek that you have completed
    • corresponding tables with each trekid listed in the log table. Each trek table contains each position recorded by the positionSource.
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