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measurement control

Lukas Sigrist edited this page Feb 12, 2023 · 8 revisions

RocketLogger Measurement Control

The RocketLogger offers three options for controlling the system and performing measurements:

  1. The fully featured command line interface tool
  2. A feature-rich web interface for convenient remote control with sample live preview
  3. A hardware button interface to control the RocketLogger device and measurements without any network connectivity

RocketLogger Command Line Interface

The RocketLogger command line interface (CLI) offers detailed control over measurements.

Note: the CLI interface changed and is not directly compatible with version 1.x CLI commands. For the list of changes and how to remap version 1.x commands, see the CLI changes summary.

Basic Usage

The basic CLI command structure is:

rocketlogger [OPTION...] ACTION

A detailed list of all available ACTION and OPTION arguments of the CLI are listed using rocketlogger --help. The installed program version is identified using rocketlogger --version.

CLI Actions

The RocketLogger CLI supports two actions to control measurement sampling:

  • start -- Start a new measurement with provided configuration,
  • stop -- Stop measurement running in the background,

and two additional actions for configuration of the measurement parameters and polling the measurement status:

  • config -- Display configuration, not starting a new or affecting any ongoing measurements,
  • status -- Display the current sampling status.

CLI Options

A set of optional arguments are used to configure measurement parameters and specific behavior of the RocketLogger CLI.

Basic measurement configuration options:
 -b, --background           Start measurement in the background and exit after
 -c, --channel=SELECTION    Channel selection to sample. A comma separated
                            list of the channel names (V1, V2, V3, V4, I1L,
                            I1H, I2L, and/or I2H) or 'all' to enable all
 -i, --interactive          Display measurement data in the command line
 -o, --output=FILE          Store data to specified file. Use zero to disable
                            file storage.
 -r, --rate=RATE            Sampling rate in Hz. Supported values are: 1, 10,
                            100, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k.
     --samples=COUNT        Number of samples to record before stopping
                            measurement (k, M, G, T scaling suffixes can be
 -u, --update=RATE          Measurement data update rate in Hz. Supported
                            values: 1, 2, 5, 10.

Measurement configuration options for storing measurement files:
 -C, --comment=COMMENT      Comment stored in file header. Comment is ignored
                            if file saving is disabled.
 -f, --format=FORMAT        Select file format: 'csv', 'rld'.
     --size=SIZE            Select max file size (k, M, G, T scaling suffixes
                            can be used).
Setting and resetting the stored default:
     --default              Set current configuration as default. Supported
                            for all measurement configurations.
     --reset                Reset default configuration to factory defaults
                            and ignores any other provided configuration
                            without notice. Only allowed in combination with
                            the 'config' action.

Optional arguments for extended sampling features:
 -a, --ambient[=BOOL]       Enable logging of ambient sensors, if available.
                            Disabled by default.
     --calibration          Ignore existing calibration values. Use this
                            option for device calibration measurements only.
 -d, --digital[=BOOL]       Enable logging of digital inputs. Enabled by
 -g, --aggregate=MODE       Data aggregation mode for low sample rates.
                            Existing modes: 'average', 'downsample'.
 -h, --high-range=SELECTION Force high range measurements on selected
                            channels. A comma separated list of the channel
                            names (I1H and/or I2H) or 'all' to force high
                            range measurements all channels. Inactive per
 -w, --web[=BOOL], --stream[=BOOL]
                            Enable data stream interface (required for web
                            interface plotting). Enabled per default.

Optional arguments for status and config actions:
     --cli                  Print configuration as full CLI command.
     --json                 Print configuration or status as JSON formatted

Generic program switches:
 -q, -s, --quiet, --silent  Do not produce any output
 -v, --verbose              Produce verbose output
 -?, --help                 Give this help list
     --usage                Give a short usage message
 -V, --version              Print program version

Command Line Interface Changes from Version 1.x to 2.x

This section summarizes all changes introduced with version 2.x compared to the previous version 1.x.

CLI Mode Changes

A overview of all RocketLogger modes available in versions 1.x and how they are to be mapped to the simplified modes in version 2.x for equivalent functionality is given in the table below:

Mode (v1.x) Equivalent Command (v2.x) Comment
rocketlogger sample number rocketlogger start --samples=COUNT start measurement for a finite number of samples
rocketlogger cont rocketlogger start --background start measurement in background
rocketlogger meter rocketlogger start --interactive short option: -i
rocketlogger status rocketlogger status unchanged
rocketlogger stop rocketlogger stop unchanged
rocketlogger set rocketlogger config --default available for all actions
rocketlogger conf rocketlogger config unchanged

CLI Option Changes

The subset of command line options that have changed from version 1.x to version 2.x are summarized in the table below.

Option (v1.x) Equivalent Option (v2.x) Comment
-c --calibration enable switch only, -c now used for channel selection
-ch --channel, or -c changed from integer to label based channel selection
-f --output, or -o output file name, -f now used for file format
-fhr --high-range, or -h changed from integer to label based channel selection
-format --format, or -f formats: csv, rld (replaces former bin format)
-h --help, or -? -h now used for high range configuration
-s --default now available in all modes
-size --size value specification unchanged
N/A --background return after starting measurement and continue sampling in background
N/A --interactive display measurement values in CLI during measurements
N/A --samples stop measurement after reading a given number of samples
N/A --reset reset configuration to factory defaults
N/A --cli print CLI command for stored configuration
N/A --json format status or configuration output as JSON

All other command line options from version 1.x are also available in version 2.x without changes.

RocketLogger Web Interface

The RocketLogger web interface enables convenient remote control of the sampling. It consists of the following three parts.

Status and Control

  • Start/stop a measurement
  • Display information on running measurement and the device

Measurement Configuration

  • Select the configuration for a new measurement
  • Show configuration of a currently running measurement
  • Access log and data files
  • Store/restore a default configuration
    • The default configuration is stored on the board and can be used for offline measurements. The RocketLogger daemon will apply this configuration when triggered with the hardware start/stop button.
  • Configure data file split
    • If file split is enabled and the maximum file size is reached, new files with a *_p#.rld suffix are created (see log file), counting from 1 upwards.
    • The first file is not renamed.
    • It is recommended (especially for long measurements) to set a maximum file size of some 100 MB to few GB to improve the performance in Matlab.
  • Add a comment briefly summarizing your measurement (optional, but highly recommended). This comment is stored in the header of your measurement data file and will help to better identify your measurement data.

Measurement Preview Plots

  • Plot of recent values in several time scales
  • Can be paused without affecting the measurements

Web Interface Shortcut Keys

There are a few shortcut keys integrated into the web interface for power users.

Key Action
S start/stop
D store configuration as default
L load default configuration
P un-/pause plot update
1-3 change plot time scale (1: 1 s/div, 2: 10 s/div, 3:100 s/div)

Hardware Button and LEDs

As of version 2.0.0, the RocketLogger supports a set of hardware button gestures to control the logger:

  • Short press (< 2 sec): stops an ongoing measurement or starts a continuous measurement using the stored default measurement configuration. The default measurement configuration is configured using the command line or the web interface.
  • Long press (> 3 sec): resets the RocketLogger measurement frontend
  • Very long press (> 6 sec): reboots the RocketLogger system
  • Extra long press (> 10 sec): power down the RocketLogger system

RocketLogger versions 1.x support only the short press functionality.

The measurement state is indicated by the status and error LEDs. When idle, the status LED is off, when a measurement is ongoing, the status LED is on. The error LED indicates an ADC interface issues when active.

The location of the hardware button and the status LEDs on the RocketLogger:

RocketLogger Hardware Interface

RocketLogger CLI Version 1.x (Legacy CLI)

Prior to version 2.0.0, the RocketLogger command line interface (CLI) used a different, incompatible command line interface. The documentation of the arguments of his legacy CLI is given below.

When using RocketLogger version 2.0.0 or later, refer to the latest CLI documentation. To port existing scripts/interfaces from version 1.x to version 2.0.0, refer to the CLI changes summary.

Basic Usage

The basic CLI command structure is:

rocketlogger mode -[option value]

To print detailed usage and list of options of the CLI, use the rocketlogger --help command. The installed program version is printed using the rocketlogger --version command.

CLI Measurement Modes

The CLI tool support the following measurement modes:

sample number   Acquires number of samples.
cont            Continuously acquires samples.
meter           Starts RocketLogger Meter.
status          Get status of RocketLogger.
stop            Stops RocketLogger.
set             Set default configuration of RocketLogger (use normal options).
                Use 'set 0' to reset the default configuration.
conf            Print default configuration of RocketLogger.

CLI Options

The list of command line options is given below:

-r rate             Acquisition rate selection.
                        Possible rates: 1, 10, 100, 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k, 64k
-u update_rate      Data update rate selection.
                        Possible update rates: 1, 2, 5, 10 (in Hz)
-ch ch1,ch2,...     Channel selection.
                    Possible channels ('-ch all' to enable all):
                        0: I1H         4: I2H
                        1: I1L         5: I2L
                        2: V1          6: V3
                        3: V2          7: V4
-fhr ch1,ch2        Force high-range.
                        0: no channel, 1: I1, 2: I2
-c                  Use calibration, if existing.
                        '-c 0' to ignore calibration.
-f file             Stores data to specified file.
                        '-f 0' will disable file storing.
-d                  Log digital inputs.
                        Use '-d 0' to disable digital input logging.
-a                  Log ambient sensors, if available.
                        '-a 0' to disable ambient sensor logging.
-g                  Data aggregation mode for low sample rates.
                    Existing modes: 'average', 'downsample'.
                        '-g 0' to disable aggregation/low sample rates.
-format format      Select file format: csv, bin.
-size file_size     Select max file size (k, m, g can be used).
-C comment          Comment stored in file header. Comment is ignored
                        if file saving is disabled.
-w                  Enable webserver plotting.
                        Use '-w 0' to disable webserver plotting.
-s                  Store current configuration as default.
-h                  Show this help.