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calibration file format

Andreas Biri edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 7 revisions

Calibration File Format

The RocketLogger uses linear calibration to convert the analog-digital converted measurements to physical units. The offset and scale values of this calibration are stored in a binary file that is loaded by the RocketLogger software.

To output the raw measurement data output from the analog-to-digital converters, a virtual calibration consisting of offset 0 and scale 1.0 is applied during recalibration measurements.

Calibration File Format Version 2

The data of the RocketLogger calibration is stored in little-endian format and stores the data listed in the table below.

Offset Size (byte) Field Content
0x00 4 Magic Number %RLC (= 0x434C5225) magic number (unsigned integer)
0x04 2 File Version Current file version number, i.e. 0x02 (unsigned integer)
0x06 2 Header Length Total header length in bytes, i.e. 0x10 (unsigned integer)
0x08 8 Timestamp Timestamp of oldest measurement used for calibration in UNIX seconds (UTC)
0x10 4 V1 Offset Offset of channel V1 in bit (integer)
0x14 4 V2 Offset Offset of channel V2 in bit (integer)
0x18 4 V3 Offset Offset of channel V3 in bit (integer)
0x1C 4 V4 Offset Offset of channel V4 in bit (integer)
0x20 4 I1L Offset Offset of channel I1L in bit (integer)
0x24 4 I1H Offset Offset of channel I1H in bit (integer)
0x28 4 I2L Offset Offset of channel I2L in bit (integer)
0x2C 4 I2H Offset Offset of channel I2H in bit (integer)
0x30 4 DT Offset Offset of channel DT in bit (integer)
0x34 8 V1 Scale Scale of channel V1 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x3C 8 V2 Scale Scale of channel V2 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x44 8 V3 Scale Scale of channel V3 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x4C 8 V4 Scale Scale of channel V4 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x54 8 I1L Scale Scale of channel I1L in 10pA/bit (double)
0x5C 8 I1H Scale Scale of channel I1H in nA/bit (double)
0x64 8 I2L Scale Scale of channel I2L in 10pA/bit (double)
0x6C 8 I2H Scale Scale of channel I2H in nA/bit (double)
0x74 8 DT Scale Scale of channel DT in ns/bit (double)

Total file size: 124 bytes

Calibration File Format Version 1

Up to and including RocketLogger versions 1.x, the file format detailed below was used. This unversioned format is considered file format version 1. All file data is stored in little-endian format.

Offset Size (byte) Field Content
0x00 8 Timestamp Timestamp of oldest measurement used for calibration in UNIX seconds (UTC)
0x08 4 I1H Offset Offset of channel I1H in bit (integer)
0x0C 4 I1L Offset Offset of channel I1L in bit (integer)
0x10 4 V1 Offset Offset of channel V1 in bit (integer)
0x14 4 V2 Offset Offset of channel V2 in bit (integer)
0x18 4 I2H Offset Offset of channel I2H in bit (integer)
0x1C 4 I2L Offset Offset of channel I2L in bit (integer)
0x20 4 V3 Offset Offset of channel V3 in bit (integer)
0x24 4 V4 Offset Offset of channel V4 in bit (integer)
0x28 8 I1H Scale Scale of channel I1H in nA/bit (double)
0x30 8 I1L Scale Scale of channel I1L in 10pA/bit (double)
0x38 8 V1 Scale Scale of channel V1 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x40 8 V2 Scale Scale of channel V2 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x48 8 I2H Scale Scale of channel I2H in nA/bit (double)
0x50 8 I2L Scale Scale of channel I2L in 10pA/bit (double)
0x58 8 V3 Scale Scale of channel V3 in 10nV/bit (double)
0x60 8 V4 Scale Scale of channel V4 in 10nV/bit (double)

Total file size: 104 bytes

Calibration File Format Revisions

  1. Calibration file format used for RocketLogger software versions 1.x.


    • this unversioned file format is considered version 1 of the format
  2. Additions:

    • file header magic number
    • file format version
    • file header length
    • calibration values for DT channel, i.e. the PRU sampled time interval between measurement samples


    • sort channel by measured unit


    • first versioned calibration file format