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Developer notes

rikedyp edited this page Sep 25, 2019 · 1 revision

The kernel consists of two folders:

  • dyalog-kernel
  • dyalog_kernel


The dyalog-kernel folder contains the kernel definition for Jupyter (how Jupyter knows what to put in its menus and interfaces).

The kernel.js file is used to implement colour syntax highlighting.
The kernel.json file is the kernel definition.


The dyalog_kernel folder contains the main kernel functionality.

The workspace init.dws is a bootstrapper for init.dyalog. It also sets ⎕SE.Jupyter.dir to the dyalog_kernel installation directory.

The dyalog APL text source file init.dyalog initialises SALT so that the special Render.dyalog functions can be used.

The Render.dyalog includes special code to allow ]plot and other user commands to work in Jupyter notebooks.

The python file is the Jupyter kernel interface which allows Jupyter notebooks to send and receive APL code, via the RIDE interface, to and from the interpreter where it is executed.

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