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Adám Brudzewsky edited this page Sep 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Dyalog Jupyter wiki!

What is a Jupyter notebook?

A Jupyter notebook document combines an interactive coding session with narrative text according to Donald Knuth's literate programming paradigm. This format is advantageous for teaching APL, explaining algorithms, and sharing ideas. The consumer of a notebook can modify the code and see the effects of their modification, but can also modify the running text and republish the notebook.

Jupyter notebook documents can be used in the following ways:

  1. Offline, on the user's local machine: This requires installing Jupyter (a Python program, so installation of a Python system is required as well) and an appropriate language kernel. This is the only interactive way to create notebook documents.
  2. Online, in a dedicated sandboxed environment. Dyalog APL Jupyter notebooks can for example be used on TryAPL with no installation necessary. Note however, that to protect the server and ensure a consistent experience, restrictions on the code apply.
  3. Statically, in that a notebook can be viewed by most any general Jupyter notebook viewer (including online viewers which do not require installation), for example nbviewer.
  4. Exported to any of a number of widely supported formats, for example HTML or PDF, which may then be used accordingly.

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