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Releases: CoreMedia/coremedia-headless-server

Release 3.1.0

22 Nov 16:02
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  • Fix: Reorder default target resolvers to allow numbers as alias name
  • Change: Allow custom site resolvers
  • Change: Make query parameters accessible in SpEL expressions

Release 3.0.1

23 Oct 10:43
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  • Fix: Update Akka libraries due to CVE alert
  • Fix: Add missing JCenter plugin repository

Release 3.0.0

09 Oct 11:47
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Release 3.0.0 is not backward compatible with older releases. Most prominent change is the switch
to SpEL for data fetcher path expressions.
CMS releases prior to 1807.1 are not supported.


  • Fix: Parsed queries must be tied to concrete schema instance
  • Fix: Must not fall back to static definition if repository version is not valid
  • Fix: Better detection of definition errors
  • Fix: Handle repository reconnect
  • Change: Use SpEL for data fetcher path expressions
  • Change: Special data fetchers (navigation, grid) changed to models
  • Change: Proxy layer on top of UAPI content
  • Change: Visibility for placement items
  • Change: Added Richtext tree output
  • Change: Optional Richtext intermediate representation cache
  • Change: Optional postprocessors
  • Change: Link builder interface enhanced with runtime context information
  • Change: Extended link list support
  • Change: Query and media item cache times with validity tracking
  • Change: Additional media REST method with media object hash
  • Change: Added small extension sample modules

Sample Schema

  • Fix: Changed teaser fallbacks to Blueprint defaults
  • Change: Updated to SpEL
  • Change: Added extended link lists for teasers
  • Change: Added teaser styles

Release 2.1.0

12 Jul 10:34
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  • Fix: Path to root for non navigation objects fixed
  • Fix: Directives were not working on model data fetchers
  • Fix: Filter deleted and destroyed content
  • Fix: Setting cache capacities didn't work as expected
  • Change: GraphQL library updated to 9.0
  • Change: Link builder mapping moved to definition.yml
  • Change: Blob metadata can be queried
  • Change: Access validators can be configured (globally and per site)
  • Change: Added generic data fetcher with delegates to a Spring bean
  • Change: Switched from spectator/metrics to micrometer

Sample Schema

  • Change: Added downloads

Release 2.0.0

21 Jun 11:08
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Release 2.0.0 is not backward compatible with older releases. Most notably schema definition and tenant configuration must be updated if upgrading from an old version / repository configuration.


  • Change: Executable JAR can be build via maven profile
  • Change: Directives with SPEL expressions for schema and queries added
  • Change: Navigation model support added
  • Change: Access control layer with validity checking added
  • Change: Fixed fields for generic setting and struct access have been removed
  • Change: Setting and struct access must now be defined by the schema
  • Change: Responsive image settings can be fetched with new REST call
  • Change: Client specific PD selection added

Release 1.2.0

14 Mar 11:20
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  • Change: Integer type renamed to Int
  • Change: GraphQL library updated to 7.0
  • Change: Settings with nested keys are supported
  • Change: Link building for additional media objects added


  • Fix: Documentation creation is skipped if maven tests are disabled
  • Change: Default CMS release changed to 1801.1

Release 1.1.0

07 Feb 15:54
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  • Fix: Query schemes must use the most specific object type of the root object
  • Change: Fallback sources added to property fields
  • Change: Constant fields may return null
  • Change: Float type added to struct fields
  • Change: Struct fields may define a custom object type
  • Change: Builtin scalar types for maps with scalar values
  • Change: Nested directory structures for static and customization schema files supported

Sample Schema

  • Fix: Segment source path for teasers fixed
  • Change: Resource bundles added
  • Change: Target (self) reference for Media objects removed


  • Change: Default CMS release changed to 1710.1
  • Change: Updated Swagger documentation and added generated HTML/PDF versions

Release 1.0.0

04 Dec 10:11
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This is the first release.