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4. Audio Bible

marcgreig edited this page Jun 10, 2019 · 19 revisions


All the music tracks will be in .ogg format for code purposes, as the files found on the internet are in .mp3 we had to convert them. The sound effects tracks are needed in .wav format, and as happens with music we had to convert the needed FX. This conversion process has been made here.

We will use Audacity and Ableton Live if any audio has to be tuned to fit our game's mood.


All the audio rights and recognition go to Hitoshi Sakimoto and all the audio department in Squaresoft.

The Final Fantasy Tactics Soundtrack was composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto and Masaharu Iwata who appear credited together and individually in each track. It is a great soundtrack and one of the best at its time when the game was released in 1997.

The idea of using the original audio and not new crafted music is to give this game a touch of nostalgia, aimed at the original Final Fantasy Tactics players. Also we feel that it is a very well made and beautiful soundtrack and it would be a pity not to use it.

The style of the music is an epic fantastic style and was already recorded with acoustic instruments to give an epic vibe to the player.

The cover of the Original Soundtrack Album

Download Here the complete soundtrack for the game.

We will only be using a few tracks, not all of them. Each map will have a theme asigned that will be played in a loop until the match is over.

The main menu will have the intro theme called "Bland Logo ~ Title Back". When a player wins its theme will be played in the winning screen. Each character will have a song assigned.

Down below there's a table with every track used inside the game:

Num Track Used in Duration
1 Bland Logo~Title Back Intro 1:09
2 PR Movie remix Main menu 0:47
3 Prologue movie Main menu 2:52
4 Backborn history Champion selection 1:34
5 Character Making Gallery 1:45
6 Pub Options 1:41
7 Character Introductions Loading screen 3:50
8 Tutorial Loading screen 2:12
9 A hero's theme Loading screen 1:07
10 Algus Loading screen 1:54
11 Battle on the bridge remix Map 6:25
12 Run past through the plain remix Map 3:34
13 Apoplexy remix Map 2:41
14 Trichotomy (Trisection) Map 5:28
15 Divine Ajora remix Map 5:41
16 Sky travel Leaderboard 3:01

Sound Effects FX

All the sound FX from the original game can be found in here and the ambience sounds used in the game can be found here. From all the sounds in the list we are only using the ones we will need for the game we are developing.

The ambience sounds will be constant and reproduced, first the music and then all the sounds triggered by the players. We are also using the sounds for the UI despite the visual interface will be created brand new.

All the list of sounds and music used in the game will be updated as the developement progresses. The list of sounds contains up to 110 different FX, we will only use the ones we need and fit our game more properly.

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