Repository containing the scripts for the analyses in the manuscript Decoding the Clinical and Molecular Signatures of EGFR Common, Compound, and Uncommon Mutations in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
All the steps are performed following EGFRclasses_pipeline.R. The clinical and molecular data for the various datasets was retreived from the sources cited in the manuscript.
EGFRclasses_MutationListConstruction_step1.R, EGFRclasses_MutationListConstruction_step2.R: Construction of the list of EGFR mutations, assignment to the classes, filtering.
EGFRclasses_Preprocessing.R: Collection and harmonization of clinical data, assignment to EGFR classes.
EGFRclasses_functions.R: Functions implementing each analysis.
EGFRclasses_pipeline.R: Pipeline calling the analysis functions.
EGFRclasses_utils.R: Generic helper functions for plotting.