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How to Use the Program

Alex Landherr edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Starting the Program

First you need to make sure that you are either in the cloned directory of GOES_Image_Retriever or have your environment variables set up such that any Python file may be accessed from any directory on your computer by typing: python3

You start the program by typing into your terminal/command line (may vary depending on operating system and how Python is installed):


Then you will be taken to the first user input prompt.

Selecting the Satellite

Now you will see an input prompt asking you to choose which satellite to download images from:

Select which satellite to download images from (GOES-16 or GOES-17) by typing its name, e.g. GOES16: 

Lowercase versions of the satellite names also works.

Setting a Directory Name

Now a prompt asking for a directory name will be shown, this is so that a user may give a desired code name or similar to a particular download run for any purpose. If the user simply presses the Enter key the directory name will be the current date & time in UTC so that each download directory name is unique:

Set the name of the directory that will contain the images from GOES16: 

Setting the Start and Stop Times

After a directory name has been set the use must enter a start and stop time for the download window in UTC time. Since the smallest time increment for the release of the images is 10 minutes that's the level to which a user can input a start and stop time:

Set a start time in UTC for the download of the first image, e.g. 2020-05-11 22:20:00: 
Set a stop time in UTC for the download of the final image, e.g. 2020-05-11 22:30:00: 

Selecting Image Resolution and Number of Images to Be Skipped

Now the user will have to select an image resolution from a printed list by entering the number corresponding to the resolution:

These are the image resolutions available:
339x339 pixels
678x678 pixels
1808x1808 pixels
5424x5424 pixels
10848x10848 pixels
Select a resolution by typing either of these values, e.g. 10848: 

Then the user will be asked to choose how many images that are to be skipped, that is in regard to a normal download where all images that can be downloaded will be downloaded:

For GOES16 set number to be skipped: 

Final Prompt Before Download

After the above steps the user will be presented with how many images that will be downloaded and a confirmation prompt requiring either a Y, y to go ahead with the download or a N or n to remove the directory previously created and exit the program:

The number of images to be downloaded is: 6
Do you wish to proceed with the download? [Y/n]: y

The Download Process

Depending on how fast your internet connection is along with the selected image resolution and number of images it may take a few minutes to a few hours to get every piece of data.

The Result

The result should be the images along with two log files; one CSV-file and one TXT-file (human-readable formatting) with performance info etc.