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Alex Landherr edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the GOES_Image_Retriever wiki!

What is GOES_Image_Retriever?

It's a pure Python download utility for weather satellite images.

How Does It Work?

The program begins by asking which satellite the user wishes to download images from. It then asks for a start and stop time for downloading the satellite images, effectively creating a window of time for recording data. Subsequently it asks for the image resolution by listing the ones available and asking the user to choose one of them.

The final piece of user input is how many images it will skip over; since new images appear every 10 minutes but with a 20 minute lag behind "real time" the user can choose how many to skip or download every image in the chosen time window.

Using all of this information the program then makes two Python dictionaries which hold the necessary info to download the right image at the right time and generate the correct URL for the wget Python package to download the image.