I am an Embedded Software Engineer at ICIQ. Currently my focus is to develop the software for an intelligent parallel photoreactor with homogeneous light and high power density (up to 1.2 kW of 450 nm light) within `Prof. Lloret's research group´. I have completed my Master’s in Embedded Systems Security from Grenoble INP Esisar, and an internship from Schneider Electric. I am passionate about embedded systems, FPGAs, microcontrollers, electronics, & robotics. I love to design and develop innovative robotics and automation devices for the betterment of society.
Topic | Particulars |
Programming | Embedded C, Python, VHDL, MATLAB, PLC, ROS |
Microcontroller Families | ARM Cortex-A9, Artix-7, ATmega328P, STM32, RISC-V |
Communication Protocols | SPI, I2C, RS-232, USB, UART, BLE 5.0, RS-485, WiFi, MQTT, GSM, MODBUS, Ethernet. |
Hardware Development | Schematic Design, PCB design, Board assembly, Board testing, Power Profiling. |
Electronic Equipment | Oscilloscope Analog & Digital (RIGOL MSO500 series), Multimeter, Logic Analyzer, Electronic Load (RIGOL DL3000), SMD Soldering Station (Weller WXR3). |
LDR, PIR, HC-SR04, LM35, DS18B20, MPU-6050, ADXL345,DHT11, DHT22, MQ-3/7/135, TDS, Flex, pH, Moisture, TTP223, MAX30100
Brushed DC Motors, Brushless DC Motors, Stepper Motors, AC Motors, Pneumatic Cylinders, Linear Solenoid, Piezoelectric.