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Abyss Morgan edited this page Nov 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

Replace keywords in files

This tool is used for replace keywords string into replacement inside text files

Data entered:

  • Folders (one or multiple)
  • Extensions (Empty for all, separate with spaces for multiple)
  • Keywords file (text file contains replacement)

Example keywords file:

"Alfa A1" "Beta B2"
Delta Gamma


  • Prevent write file while nothing changed
  • Validate keywords file before start

Remove keywords in files

This tool is used for remove keywords string inside text files

Data entered:

  • Folders (one or multiple)
  • Extensions (Empty for all, separate with spaces for multiple)
  • Keywords file (text file contains keywords)

Example keywords file:

"Alfa A1"
"Beta B2"


  • Prevent write file while nothing changed

Remove duplicate lines in file

This tool is used for remove duplicate lines inside text files

Data entered:

  • Single text file
  • Ignore empty lines comparison


  • Validate if file is text file
  • Prevent write file while nothing changed
  • Preserve UTF-8 BOM
  • Preserve first detected EOL

Split file by lines count

This tool is used for split text file by lines count

Data entered:

  • Lines limit
  • Single text file


  • Validate if file is text file
  • Preserve UTF-8 BOM in all spilited files
  • Preserve first detected EOL
  • Preserve original file
  • Generates files with the following names <original_name>_<6_digit_part_id>.<extension>

Split file by size (Binary)

This tool is used for split file by bytes

Data entered:

  • Size (The maximum size of each part)
  • Single file


  • Preserve original file
  • Generates files with the following names <original_name>_<6_digit_part_id>.<extension>

Reverse text file lines

This tool is used for reverse text file lines

Data entered:

  • Single text file


  • Validate if file is text file
  • Preserve UTF-8 BOM
  • Preserve first detected EOL
  • Overwrite original file

Pretty file content

This tool is equivalent to Pretty file name, except that it operates on the content of the file

Data entered:

  • Flags (type in one line, default BC)
  • Folders (one or multiple)
  • Extensions (Empty for all, separate with spaces for multiple)
  • Name filter (Empty for none, separate with spaces for multiple)


  • Basic replacement: (Replace _ and . and nbsp into space and replace unicode equivalents)
  • Basic remove: (Remove special characters: ; @ # ~ ! $ % ^ & and unicode equivalents)
  • If name filter used: operate only files when name contain one of filter


Additional configuration

- Tools:

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