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Abyss Morgan edited this page Sep 14, 2024 · 18 revisions

Config (Global)

For locate configuration file, run NGC-TOOLKIT and select tool "H 1", then edit config.ini

Key Type Default Available values Description
ACTION_AFTER_DUPLICATE Enum RENAME RENAME / DELETE Determine action after detect duplicate
EXTENSIONS_PHOTO String bmp avif gd2 gd gif jpeg jpg png tga wbmp webp xbm xpm - Scanned image extensions
EXTENSIONS_VIDEO String avi mp4 webm wmv mkv - Scanned video extensions
EXTENSIONS_AUDIO String mp3 ogg m4a wav aac opus m4a - Scanned audio extensions
EXTENSIONS_VIDEO_FOLLOW String md5 sha256 crc32 whirlpool srt - Scanned additional extensions
IGNORE_VALIDATE_EXTENSIONS String md5 sha256 crc32 whirlpool srt ngc-guard ngc-pat - Ignore extensions when process Validate CheckSum
EXTENSION_TO_LOWER Bool true true / false -
HASH_TO_UPPER Bool true true / false -
LOAD_IDX_CHECKSUM Bool true true / false -
PART_SIZE Integer 250 - -
QUALITY_SUFFIX String p - Suffix added to quality
THUMBNAIL_COLUMN Integer 6 - Determine number of thumbnail columns
THUMBNAIL_ROWS Integer 5 - Determine number of thumbnail rows
THUMBNAIL_WIDTH Integer 2048 - Determine thumbnail total width
IGNORE_VALIDATE_FILES String desktop.ini desktop.ini;.htaccess Ignore file names when process Validate CheckSum
CHECK_FOR_UPDATES Bool true true / false Determine if check for updates when script init
CHECK_FOR_UPDATES_DAYS Integer 7 - Determine every how many days to check for updates
LOG_EVENT Bool true true / false Determine if save event logs
LOG_ERROR Bool true true / false Determine if save error logs
SHOW_LOGO Bool true true / false Determine if show logo
AVATAR_GENERATOR_VARIANTS String 1.0 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 Float separated by a space Avatar generator distance variants
BACKUP_COMPRESS_LEVEL Integer 5 0 - 9 Compression level
BACKUP_COMPRESS_TYPE Enum 7z 7z / zip / bzip2 / gzip / tar / wim / xz Compression type
OPEN_LOG_EVENT Bool true true / false Specify whether the event log should be opened after the task is completed
CSV_SEPARATOR String ; - CSV Separator
WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE String 64 MB Integer + unit: B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB Determine how much bytes will be buffered before write into file
COMPRESS_LEVEL_WEBP Integer 90 - Determine compress quality
COMPRESS_LEVEL_PNG Integer 100 - Determine compress quality
COMPRESS_LEVEL_JPEG Integer 90 - Determine compress quality
COMPRESS_LEVEL_GIF Integer 100 - Determine compress quality

Config (Windows)

Key Type Default Available values Description
DATA_FOLDER String %LOCALAPPDATA%\NGC-TOOLKIT\Data - Folder for generated data
BUFFER_FOLDER String %LOCALAPPDATA%\NGC-TOOLKIT\Buffer - Default folder for save (AppBuffer)[]
COLOR String 9F Windows CMD colors Sets the color of the console

Config (Linux)

Key Type Default Available values Description
LOG_FOLDER String /var/log/NGC-TOOLKIT - -
DATA_FOLDER String /etc/NGC-TOOLKIT/Data - Folder for generated data
BUFFER_FOLDER String /etc/NGC-TOOLKIT/Buffer - Default folder for save (AppBuffer)[]
OPEN_FILE_BINARY String xdg-open | nautilus | dolphin - Determine GUI program for open files


Additional configuration

- Tools:

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