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Data: Qualities of NSW Spatial property Layer

Angus edited this page Jan 16, 2025 · 1 revision


This is talking about the uniqueness of the data scraped from here. Generally should should be able to get unique rows with this.

  SELECT DISTINCT ON (property_id) rid
   FROM nsw_spatial_lppt_raw.property_feature_layer
   WHERE principle_address_type = 1
   ORDER BY property_id, address_string_oid) t
  LEFT JOIN nsw_spatial_lppt_raw.property_feature_layer s USING (rid);

As of 2025-01-09, this returns 2750007 rows, this is oddly more than the number of properties counted by this (2703870):

  FROM (SELECT DISTINCT (property_id) property_id FROM nsw_vg.land_valuation) t; 

rid does not repeat

This should provide a natural and unique id.

When does property_id repeat

  • When the super_lot property is Y.
    • I think this is when the valuer general has lumped several properties within the same valuation.
    • The address column seems to be unique as well for each entry.
  • When the super_lot property is N.
    • I think this is a single lot, in some cases it may be a large building but it's typically a single building.

What's happening

I think this is when addresses are repeated

select address, count(*) as addr_frequency from (
  select property_id, COUNT(*) as prop_frequency
    FROM nsw_spatial_lppt_raw.property_feature_layer
    where super_lot != 'Y'
    group by property_id
    order by prop_frequency DESC
    limit 1)
  left join nsw_spatial_lppt_raw.property_feature_layer s using (property_id)
  group by address
  order by addr_frequency desc;

The value for prop_frequency is actually 31 here, and the number of rows returned is 31. But this doesn't always seem to be the case?

Shape UUID to property_id

It seem there is only 1 shape_uuid to each property_id.

When property_id Repeats with principle_address_type=1

There seems to be cases where stuff repeats with principle_address_type=1. This seems to be when there are multiple ways of writing the same address, it's possible to get the latest version of an address grouping by property_id

What is principle_address_type

  • When this is 1 this seems to be the primary address
    • If I understand correctly there should only be 1 entry amoung several items with the same property_id
    • When you look at the address (from the examples I've seen) there is no unit number.
  • When this is 2 this seems to be a secondary property amongst all the residence.