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Internal Finances Management

merichar edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions


The Finance Section should be headed up by an Account Page. This page should mimic most accounting applications. A spreadsheet of line items, each including a date, status, description, amount (which is either a credit or debit), category). It would be nice if this section could generate graphs and reports.

Event Invoicing

Events have costs. These costs can be things like AB Tech Equipment, AB Tech Staff, FMS Charge, Three Rivers Rental, etc… Some of these costs will be associated to expenses (ie, Rentals or FMS). Other costs will be thought of as Revenue (Staff, Equipment charges). For Events there should be a page to modify the Event Costs. This will allow Event Administrators the ability to add/remove/modify costs associated with a given event. When the costs are completed, the Event Administrator can push a “Quote” to the event organizer. this should sent the organizer an email requesting they log onto the tracker and approve/deny the quote. This quote should also have printed on it the payment method for the event, and the terms and conditions of AB Tech’s services (ie food, no strike-song….)

Once a Quote is accepted, the Event will move to Event Confirmed. After the event is completed. An Event Administrator will move the Quote to an Invoice, and correct any items on the Quote. (An email should be sent to the TIC/HoTs for events that say without an Invoice for too long). Once an Invoice is sent to the organizer, it should become a Line Item on the Account Page, and be marked Un-Paid.

An invoice can bill one organizer for multiple events if desired. This means that invoices are logically financial units while events are logically operations units. In other words, event administrators of the tracker should create multiple events to break down actual separate events, and financial administrators should simply check a bunch of events and mark them as the ones that should be invoiced.

Once Invoices are paid, the Finance Manager should move invoices to paid.

Payroll/FMS/Rental/Purchase Expenses

AB Tech has costs, These are things like FMS Charges, Rentals, and Payroll. These items should be added separate from Events. Different Expenses have different information associated with them. Payroll has just a date and a number. FMS Charges have work-order numbers, events they are associated with (can this be audited?), dates, and costs. Rentals have dates, costs, vendor, events (audit?), and should have invoices attached. Purchases are things like P.O’s, Reimbursements, and Tartan Card purchases. They should have dates, costs, vendor,associated events, and attached receipts. While the system should bug the finance manger to upload receipts/invoices, it also needs to have a “fuck off, I lost the invoice/receipt” button.

These also need to show up on the Accounts page, and be able to be Paid or Un-Paid.


Events, by default, should be marked “bill-able” meaning they can be billed against by techies. Events that are not-bill-able (parties, meetings… etc) can be made special. Members of Tech can then bill hours against an event. Every two weeks, the Payroll Administrator should be able to grab all “un-paid” time from the tracker. This should cause timesheets to be generated automatically (pdf form) for each member of Tech. The payroll administrator then will make timesheets public, meaning that a tech member can view their timesheet, print it, sign it, and place it in the tech mailbox to be submitted by the payroll administrator. Once the payroll administrator signs and submits a timesheet, they should mark the hours “paid” inside the tracker.

A useful view to have would be to view each event by the income/expenditures associated with the event. So you can see how much we brought in in revenue, minus the payroll costs, minus rentals, and FMS fees, and other expenditures. Tech members should be able to view their hours billed to date.