Typewriter app for connecting to thermal printer from Raspberry Pi, printing text line by line. Supports using a 16x2 LCD display as a display.
- Raspberry Pi
- Thermal Printer with USB mode supported
- Optional but suggested: 16x2 LCD display
sudo pip3 install pyusb
Find the ID of the USB device with lsusb. The ID is 8 digits in the form of VEND:PROD
Add permission to all users to use the USB printer. Make a new udev rule file with.
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/33-receipt-printer.rules
In this example, the ID from lsusb
was 4b43:3538. Add the following to the file and save.
# Set permissions to let anyone use the thermal receipt printer
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="4b43", ATTR{idProduct}=="3538", MODE="666"
Edit the source code to search for the same USB device ID
Optionally, connect LCD to the pins as specified in the source code, to use as a display.
- Ctrl-F: Toggle font size (Font A (normal) and Font B (small))
- Ctrl-B: Bold
- Ctrl-U: Underline
- Ctrl-L: Left Align
- Ctrl-E: Center Align
- Ctrl-R: Right Align