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Chinecherem Nduka edited this page Jul 29, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Chunk_file_team_48 wiki!

Project focus: Chunking CSV and JSON File

What The Platform Does?

A platform that accepts CSV or JSON large files, and breaks them into smaller bits - must be the right format.

Feature Requests

User: Unauthenticated

  1. Visit the platform to view basic information about it
  2. View and Interact with the documentation
  3. Register to view more details
  4. No access to use until registered

User: Authenticated

  1. Full access to the platform
  2. Allow setting the size of the chunk
  3. Allow at least 2 formats - CSV and JSON (but the possibility of adding more formats later - so as little hard coding as possible)
  4. Chunk file, and propose a properly formatted result
  5. Allow user to save data and come back to download
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