My original portfolio was written with Hugo and used the PaperMod theme. While this was a great option for me at the time, I wanted to have a little more control over how things looked. Since then, I've learned a lot more about web development and decided to tackle a redesign from scratch. This website uses the content-focused web framework Astro and relies on React and shadcn/ui for some custom components.
Command | Action |
npm install |
Installs dependencies |
npm run dev |
Starts local dev server at localhost:3000 |
npm run dev -- --host |
Starts local dev server on all interfaces |
npm run build |
Build your production site to ./dist/ |
npm run preview |
Preview your build locally, before deploying |
npm run astro ... |
Run CLI commands like astro add , astro check |
npm run astro --help |
Get help using the Astro CLI |
All rights are reserved for the content of this portfolio; please do not use it in ways that do not constitute fair use. If you use the content of this portfolio in any derivative works, I'd ask that you give proper attribution by linking back to the original article. The "content of this portfolio" refers to any files stored under ./src/content/posts
in this repository, or any articles on deployments of this portfolio (such as on
The code for this portfolio is licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt
), with attribution being appreciated.