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Implementation of various simple networks for EEG classification tasks based on PyTorch.
- eeg-inception
- eeg-lstm
- eeg-gcn
Install using PYPI.
pip install eeg-networks
If you do not want to install the package, you can also clone this project and install the required packages.
git clone https://github.com/zrr1999/eeg-networks-pytorch
cd eeg-networks-pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
You can train the model using the following command.
python train.py --model_name inception --device cpu --dataset_path ./GIB-UVA ERP-BCI.hdf5 --model_path ./weights
Use the following command to get more detailed information.
python train.py --help
You can validate the model using the following command.
python val.py --model_path ./weights/last.pth --model_name inception
Use the following command to get more detailed information.
python val.py --help