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zrajm edited this page Feb 5, 2014 · 1 revision
  • Working tree (or worktree) – As in git, all operations are performed in the current worktree. There need not exist a Makefile in the current dir, as long as .fixrc can be found in some parent dir. This means you’re free to say stuff like fix ../index.html (as long as .. is not outside your current worktree).

  • Config file syntax – The config file is written in the same .ini syntax that git uses. (The config file does not reside in the .fix dir, however, since that dir only contains non-essential files. This is intentional, and allows you to safely add /.fix to your .gitignore.)

  • Options and environment variables are, as far as possible, analogous in name and function. (Though there are some git options which are totally irrelevant for fix, and vice versa. The two systems have, after all, quite different purpose.)

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