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Releases: zoryzhang/CurriculumMap


27 Jan 07:15
Choose a tag to compare


  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip the zip file.
  3. Go to the executable directory and run the program:
    • For Windows: Run CurriculumMap-win/CurriculumMap.exe.
    • For Linux: Run CurriculumMap-linux/
    • For macOS: Run CurriculumMap-mac/CurriculumMap. (If prompted with warning, rightclick on it and select "Open") (If prompted with an accessibility access request, choose "Open System Settings", and turn on the "Terminal" slider to allow it to control your computer)
  4. (Optional) Update the course information.
    1. First get the newest version of courses.csv by running python is alongside the executable:
    2. Then replace the courses.csv coming with the package (alongside with the one you just generated.

For the usage and other information, please refer to


24 Jan 04:13
Choose a tag to compare

(Last update: Aug 2022)

  • Download the package for your OS
    • the mac version is obsolete for its 2021-22 course information and subject list. Please do check the university's website for the latest info, though most of the courses remain unchanged in 2022-23 to which you can take a reference using the app.
  • Download courses.csv and replace /get-information/courses.csv
    • The ones contained in above three files are for 2021-22, and the new courses.csv is for 2022-23
  • (Optional) Download and replace /get-information/ If you think the /get-information/courses.csv is obsolete and want to update it manually, please run (no need to set the url in the code)
    cd get-information/
    mv courses.csv courses-old.csv
    • Do not use the old /get-information/, which is only for 2021-22.

A nice web-based re-implementation can be found here.

  • To run the mac .dmg file: Hold the control key, and click on it.
  • To run the Linux version (tested on Ubuntu 22.04):