该项目已废弃,请使用:jretty-server this project is deprecated, please use: jretty-server
Android下可用的Java Web Server(base eclipse jetty)
Can run at Android 1.6 ~ 9.
用法参见:Android下运行Tomcat、Jetty等Java Web服务器
- git
- Java 1.6~1.7
- Maven 3.2 (not support 3.5+)
Check out the project from github.com:
$ git clone https://github.com/zollty/i-jetty.git
The checkout will produce a directory structure like so:
- i-jetty
- i-jetty-server : adaptation of Jetty to Android
- i-jetty-ui : Android app bundle for Jetty
modify the android sdk version: open the pom.xml and modify "<android.sdk.version>4</android.sdk.version>"
modify the script: open the build.bat and modify the maven(3.2) path, JDK(1.6\1.7) path and android-sdk(test pass on v4~v28) path.
run build.bat
NIO is the Default. Commonly no need to spcecial config.