This is a package combining darknet_ros and iai_kinect2 in order to get the 3D location of the objects detected.
It will automatically send tf transforms between the objects detected and kinect2_link.
- I only tested it on Ubuntu 20.04
- Remember to downgrade the gcc and g++ version of your system to 7 (my Ubuntu 20.04 is default 8)
- libfreenect2 (follow the official steps to install libfreenect2)
- python3-pcl (if you are using Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic, pip install python-pcl)
pip install python3-pcl
- ros_numpy (if you are using Ubuntu 18.04 with ROS Melodic, sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-ros-numpy)
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-numpy
- darknet_ros (This links to my forked repo. I modified it for supporting my RTX 30 laptop)
- iai_kinect2 (This links to my forked repo. I modified it for supporting Ubuntu 20.04)
cd <your_ws>/src
If you haven't cloned the dependencies packages yet, clone them first.
git clone --recursive
git clone
Then, you can continue installing depth_yolo
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source devel/setup.bash
It will automatically launch darknet_ros node(yolo v3) and kinect2_bridge.
You can manually launch rviz to see the pointclouds and tf transforms.
roslaunch depth_yolo depth_yolo.launch