MiMo CPU model release for students at Computer Organization course
- model is the same as for 2023/24 (v05a)
+ new student contributions added
- mimo_v05a_OR_EVO.circ
- New MiMo model (v05a) for this and upcoming years
- Rearrangement of flags in Control Unit (norz instead of corz)
- New MiMo model (v05a) for this and upcoming years
+ micro-assembler update v2 (Bugfix+norz instead of corz)
+ previous versions moved to Archive folder
+ student contributions added (Timer/Counter, PIO Controller)
- model in Logisim 2.7.1 used in previous years
- model in Logisim EVO used in previous years
- New MiMo model (v05) for this and upcoming years
+ migration to Logisim Evolution (newer Logisim version)
+ previous versions for 2.7.1 kept just in case
+ student contributions added
- work in progress
- bug in microassembler (if-then)
- corz, or n flag (in original MiMo model)
+ Testna vezja added