Here you see raspui, a simple library for drawing a GUI on the C-Berry-Touch display for the Raspberry PI.
It's designed to draw a lightweight GUI to the display without the need of any framebuffer drivers or x installations. Currently there are four elements which can be used:
- Textbox
- Button
- Slider
- Tabpane
Additionally there are some features:
- Standby mode (display turns off and waits for touch to turn back on)
- Backlight brightness is adjustable
Planned features are:
- Control the GPIO pins on the display adapter board with the library
- Spinner to adjust values precisely
For building the framework you need:
- Working Go environment
- libbcm2835
- C-Berry-Touch sourcecode files RAIO8870.h, RAIO8870.c, tft.h, tft.c from admatec which are delivered with the display.
package main
import (
var bright int = 255
var light *raspui.Textbox
var slid *raspui.Slider
func setlight(v int) {
bright = v
func main() {
err := raspui.CreateRaspUI()
defer raspui.CloseRaspUI()
if err != nil {
exit := make(chan int)
tabpane := raspui.CreateTabpane()
tab1 := raspui.CreateTab("Stats")
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 2, 150, 20, "Channel 1: 120 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 27, 150, 20, "Channel 2: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 52, 150, 20, "Channel 3: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 77, 150, 20, "Channel 4: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 102, 150, 20, "Channel 5: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 127, 150, 20, "Channel 6: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 152, 150, 20, "Channel 7: 90 °C"))
tab1.AddElement(raspui.CreateTextbox(5, 177, 150, 20, "Channel 8: 90 °C"))
tab2 := raspui.CreateTab("Settings")
slid = raspui.CreateSlider(130, 50, 170, 20, 2, 255)
light = raspui.CreateTextbox(130, 20, 100, 20, "255")
raspui.AddElement(raspui.CreateButton(278, 1, 40, 35, " X ", func() {exit <- 1}))
raspui.AddElement(raspui.CreateButton(236, 1, 40, 35, " _ ", func() {raspui.Standby()}))
raspui.AddElement(raspui.CreateButton(194, 1, 40, 35, " T ", func() {light.SetText("Test Pressed")}))
<- exit