Send and Get Transaction using web3.
- Setting up the environment
Most Ethereum libraries and tools are written in JavaScript, and one of that is Truffle. If you're not familiar with Node.js, it's a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It's the most popular solution to run JavaScript outside of a web browser.
- Installation
$ npm i
Save Your sensitive Information in .env file
- Compiling contracts
To compile the contract run "npx hardhat compile" in your terminal. The compile task is one of the built-in tasks.
Use existing .env file in Script folder:
Before deploying smart contract first you will have to need .env file in which you will write secret keys, mnemoics, private keys and api-key of your ethereum node. And then you use following steps. But must memories should be memories that .env should in those folder where sendTx and getTx are placed!!!!!!!
- Deploying Contract
$ "npx truffle migrate --network rinkeby"
Compilation finished successfully and then migration finished succesfully and then your contract will deploy on rinkeby ethereum testnet . The contract has been successfully deployed and is ready to be used.
- Sending transaction to blockchain
Send the transaction using web3-js. Run the node-js script sendTx.js present in the scripts folder, using following command:
$ node sendTx.js
You have successfuly enterName "Zia"
Getting transaction from blockchain
Get the transaction using web-3-js. Run the node-js script getTx.js present in the scripts folder, using following command:
$ node getTx.js
Tx is succesfully deployed. Your added Name is "Zia"