Based on flink to build a project for computing user behavior analysis .
Developping language is scala.
Real-time computing project based on flink, real-time analysis of user behavior analysis. Including current hottest commodity statistics.
1.Real-time statistics of popular categories of e-commerce projects
2.Real-time statistics of popular commodity of e-commerce projects
3.Real-time statistics of PV of e-commerce projects
4.Real-time statistics of UV of e-commerce projects
5.Use the bloon filter to achieve UV
6.Promotion of APP channel statistics
7.Click statistics for ads with blacklist
8.Login failure detection
9.Login failure was detected using FLINK CEP
10.Order timeout expired CEP implementation
11.Order timeout expired state processing
12.Real-time reconciliation using connect
13.Real-time reconciliation using join
基于flink实时计算项目, 实时分析用户行为分析. 包括当前热门商品统计.
- 实时统计电商热门商品分类
- 实时统计电商热门商品
- 实时统计电商项目PV
- 实时统计电商项目UV
- 使用布隆过滤器实现UV
- APP推广渠道统计
- 带黑名单的广告点击统计
- 登录失败检测
- 使用FLINK CEP 进行登录失败检测
- 订单超时失效CEP实现
- 订单超时失效状态处理
- 使用connect实时对账
- 使用join进行实时对账