A scrapy webscraper that can scrape articles and videos of bbc
scrapy startproject bbcnews
cd bbcnews
scrapy genspider bbc bbc.com
scrapy crawl bbc
scrapy crawl bbc -o bbc.json
This will crawl bbc and save the data in a file called bbc.json.
This spider can mainly scrape the articles and media contents from the home page of bbc. It has two items, a Bbcnewsitem and a Bbcmediaitem.
The extracted data of a Bbcnewsitem is in this form:
"title": "Mars: Pictures reveal 'winter wonderland' on the red planet",
"url": "https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-46645321",
"type": "Science & Environment",
"time": "21 December 2018",
"related_topics": "Mars"
The extracted data of a Bbcmediaitem is in this form:
"url": "/news/stories-46633914",
"title": "When a child experiment goes wrong",
"type": "Stories"
There is also a log file that can be used for debug. Write anything that you want in the log file by importing logging:
import logging