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Releases: zeromq/lzmq

v0.4.4: Release 0.4.4

24 Jul 13:15
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 * Fix. Export context option name constants.
 * Fix. Close socket in case of problem in settings
 * Add. Support ZeroMQ version 4.2.2
 * Add. __tostring metatmethods
 * Add. Support pass socket fd as integer on Lua 5.3
 * Add. Handle socket fd as lightuserdata on Windows.

v0.4.3: Release 0.4.3

10 Jun 08:25
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 * Add. zthreads.fork can configure pipe address/transport
 * Add. Support ZMQ 4.0.6/4.1.1
 * Add. Category to error class.
 * Add. `name` as synonym for method `mnemo` in error class.
 * Add. `__eq` metamethod to error class.

Release 0.4.2

10 Dec 06:45
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Change. Sockets does not close when they detects ETERM
Add. skt:has_event method
Add. Supports Lua 5.3

Release 0.4.1

08 Aug 07:22
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Fix. zmq_proxy_steerable supports since libzmq 4.0.5
Add. Define Pollable interface
Add. Allow pass socket name as string to socket constructor
Add. sendv/sendv_more method

v0.4.0: Release 0.4.0

30 Jun 08:07
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* Rewrite zthreads module.
* zthreads.context() function returns global context object
* remove `runstring` and `runfile` functions from zthreads
* add actort object to zthreads
* add xrun/xfork/xactor functions to zthreads which uses global context (see examples/perf2)
* threads by default run in detached joinable mode
* add socket:reset_monitor() method
* zmq.init_ctx use raw zmq context instead of internal pointer
* zloop object does not destroy its internal context
* add IDENTITY_FD option
* allows only one context argument.
* add supports `zmq_has` function
* Fix. Use int64 as socket fd on Win X64 in ffi binding.

v0.3.6: Release 0.3.6

14 May 08:41
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  * support zmq_msg_gets
  * update  support libzmq
  * bug fixes

v0.3.5: Release 0.3.5

27 Jan 09:49
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* Fix. Use `clock_get_time` on OSX for monotonic timer
* Use `ljsyscall` to get system error codes (FFI)
* Add. support `llthreads2` module

v0.3.4: Release 0.3.4

09 Jan 11:16
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* Fix. socket:fd() returns correct value on Win x64
* Fix. `zthreads.fork` on Win x64.
* Fix. bind_to_rundom_port also skip `EACCES` error from zmq_bind.
* Fix. use flags in `skt:recv_event()` method. (FFI)

v0.3.3: Release 0.3.3

23 Dec 12:57
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* Add. `skt:bind_to_random_port()` method
* Add. `zmq.proxy_steerable` function
* Fix. `zmq.proxy` function (FFI)
* Fix. Use `linger` option in `ctx:destroy` motod (FFI)
* Update documentation

v0.3.2: * Serialize soket handle and create socket based on socket handle

13 Dec 12:03
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