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Next.js Template

Welcome to the Next.js Template project! This template is designed to be the ideal starting point for your modern NextJS applications, streamlining the development process right from the get-go.

🚀 Quick Start

Getting started with this Next.js template is straightforward. Follow these steps to create your new project using this template:

  1. Create a new Next.js app using this template:

    Run the following command in your terminal to create a new project with this template:

    npx create-next-app@latest your-project-name --example
  2. Navigate into your new project folder:

    cd your-project-name
  3. Install dependencies:

    pnpm i
  4. Run the development server:

    pnpm dev

🧐 What's Included?

📂 Project Structure

Here's an overview of the folder structure provided in this template:

├── .github             # GitHub Actions configurations for CI/CD + PR template
├── .husky              # Husky configurations for managing Git hooks
├── .vscode             # VSCode settings to maintain consistency in development environments
├── docs                # Extended documentation and guides
├── public              # Stores static files like images and fonts
├── scripts             # Custom scripts for development tasks like testing and linting
├── src                 # Source files for the Next.js application
│   ├── app             # Core application files including pages and API routes
│   │   ├── [locale]    # Actual localized routes/pages of the application
│   │   ├── globals.css # Global CSS styles
│   │   └── layout.tsx  # Main layout component
│   ├── components      # Reusable UI components
│   │   ├── common      # Common components like providers, headers, footers, etc.
│   │   ├── examples    # Example components to demonstrate usage
│   │   └── ui          # UI specific components like buttons, modals, etc.
│   ├── i18n            # Internationalization configurations
│   │   ├── en          # English language translations
│   │   ├── sl          # Slovenian language translations
│   │   └── ...setup    # i18n setup files
│   ├── lib             # Library code and utility functions
│   │   ├── hooks       # Custom hooks for common tasks
│   │   └── utils.ts    # Utility functions for common tasks
│   ├── env.ts          # Environment-specific configurations
│   └── middleware.ts   # Custom middleware functions
└──           # The main README file for the project

🔧 Configuration

Customize and configure your Next.js project to match your preferences and project requirements. Below is a short guide on how to tweak various aspects of the setup.

🛠️ Prettier & ESLint Configuration

  • Prettier: Modify the .prettierrc.js to change code formatting rules. You can adjust settings like print width, tab width, and more to fit your coding style.

  • ESLint: To change linting rules, edit the .eslintrc.json. You can add or remove specific rules or plugins according to your project needs.

🌐 Internationalization and Localization

  • Adding New Languages: To support a new language, add a corresponding folder in src/i18n, then update the LOCALES variable in src/i18n/i18n.ts. Include the new language in both client.tsx and server.tsx configurations to ensure proper loading.

🎨 TailwindCSS and Global Styles

  • TailwindCSS: Customize the tailwind.config.ts to alter your design theme, such as changing the color palette or configuring responsiveness.

  • Global Styles: Modify src/app/globals.css to adjust global styles or add new CSS variables. See theming documentation for more information.

🌍 Environment Variables

  • Opting Out of Infisical: Remove .infisical.json and create .env.local for local environment variable management. Change the dev script in package.json from "dev": "infisical run -- next dev" to "dev": "next dev".

  • Type-Safe Environment Variables: Edit src/env.ts to define and manage your environment variables using t3-oss/env-nextjs for type safety.

🚨 Sentry Configuration

  • Setup: Ensure environment variables NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN, NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE, and SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN are set up in your environment configuration file (like .env.local if you are not using Infisical) for Sentry to function correctly.

📦 UI Components Configuration

  • shadcn/ui: Modify the components.json to configure or extend the UI components provided by shadcn/ui. Before starting a new project, check for possible component updates. To install new components and get more information, visit the shadcn/ui documentation.
  • Do not be afraid to modify the UI components to fit your project's needs. That's the whole point of using copy-paste components!