the tool for rooted android devices
- get the JelyBean jar with hidden APIs
$ wget
- backup your android.jar in $(ANDROID_SDK)/platforms/android-17/
$ mv $(ANDROID_SDK)/platforms/android-17/android.jar ./backup/
- replace android.jar said above with the downloaded file
$ mv jellybean17.jar android.jar
$ cp android.jar $(ANDROID_SDK)/platforms/android-17/
- update following projects
$ android update project -n CommandLib -p . -t android-17
$ android update project -n CommonUtils -p . -t android-17
$ android update project -n CommonDevLib -p . -t android-17
$ android update project -n Emulator -p . -t android-17
$ android update project -n PackageParser4 -p . -t android-17
$ android update project -n RootTools -p . -t android-17
- build emulator so
$ cd Emulator
$ ndk-build clean && ndk-build
- build and install
$ cd $(PROJECT)/RootTools
$ ant debug
$ cd $(PROJECT)/sign
$ java -jar signapk.jar rarnu.x509.pem rarnu.pk8 RootTools-debug.apk RootTools_signed.apk
$ adb install -r RootTools_signed.apk
$ adb shell am start -n