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This repository contains a C++ code of a Supaplex clone. It has a brand new 3D art, but its game logic was recovered from an original Supaplex executable via disassembly.

Please read the Legal Information at the end of this document. It contains important notices about the legal state of this code.

The game is by no means complete. It does not have any menu or UI. By default game starts in the first level. To choose a level, please create a level.cfg file with a level number in the directory of the executable file.


Please use CMake ( to build the project.

I have tested build in the following environments:

  • Apple OSX Yosemite with Xcode 6.1.1.
  • Ubuntu Linux 14.10 with GCC 4.9.1.
  • Ubuntu Linux 14.10 with MinGW-w64 4.9.1 (cross-compile to Windows).

If you are using another system or compiler, your mileage may vary. Anyway, the code is quite portable so it should build and run with very little efforts. Feel free to contact me via e-mail [email protected] if you have any problems.

On Ubuntu Linux you may use the following command to install required packages before building:

sudo apt-get install \
    build-essential \
    cmake \
    libgl1-mesa-dev \
    libglu1-mesa-dev \
    libx11-dev \
    libxrandr-dev \
    libxcursor-dev \
    libxi-dev \
    libxinerama-dev \

I have also provided Win32 and OSX Yosemite binaries in the bin directory for your convenience.


The code uses 3D engine I was writing at that time. Originally engine code used the Qt library. Later I have decided to make it more lightweight and have replaced Qt classes with self-written implementations (you may find them in the engine/core/trolltech.h file).

At the time when I was writing the engine, GLSL shaders were not available on all platforms. So, I have included the GLSL compiler from the Mesa library which compiles them to the ARB assembly and then passes it to the OpenGL library.

Game logic

All the reverse engineered game logic is in the supaplex_game.cpp file. I have tried to keep it as close to the original, as possible. The code is far from ideal: it has gotos, crypting variable names like byte_403C3 and all that stuff. But it is of very good quality for a disassembly.

In the disassembly directory you will find some scripts and tools I have used to disassemble the Supaplex executable.

The disassembly/decomp.c file contains a decompressor for the original, compressed executable - it is very interesting as it contains (an incomplete) 8086 CPU emulator which runs decompressor instruction-by-instruction, until a final decompressed executable is produced, then dumps it into a file.

The disassembly/supaplex.idc is a script for the Interactive Disassembler Pro ( It sets human-readable names for some symbols and adds useful comments to the code.

The diassembly/supaplex_debugger.asm was used to debug the Supaplex code. It runs the original Supaplex executable and reports when various positions in the code are hit. I don't remember exactly, but I believe that I have used this tool to clarify purpose of some parts of the code.

The disassembly/refactor subdirectory contains an intermediate C++ code I have built during the disassembly.

During the original disassembly process I have used a subversion repository. I have preserved an original history using the svn-to-git import. Feel free to navigate through history to see how the disassembly evolved (use the "follow renames" option if you don't see the full history).

Legal information


3D models and textures were created by the great guy Andrey Chuloshnikov (, [email protected]) as a freelance job. He was paid for this job and copyright is owned by me (I have all the necessary legal documents).

So all the models and textures are Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Nikolay Zapolnov ([email protected]). Feel free to use them under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License (

Engine code

Most of the engine code (everything in the engine subdirectory, except contents of the 3rdparty directory and some other files) was written by me and was Copyright (c) 2009 Nikolay Zapolnov.

I hereby release all my code in this repository to the public domain. Feel free to use it for any purpose. Should you need a more legalese document, please use this one:

3rdparty libraries, sounds and other stuff that was not created (and are not owned) by me are still copyrighted by their authors and are distributed under the corresponding licenses. Please see comments at the top of source files for more information.

Supaplex game logic

I believe, that you are not allowed to use the provided Supaplex game logic code and disassembly scripts in any way, be that a commercial, free or open-source project. Probably you are even not allowed to download and/or read those files.

Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to contact the original copyright holder (the Digital Integration company) for a permission. But Maarten Egmond did contact them long time ago and have received permission to redistribute the original Supaplex for free (see for more information). This fact, and also the fact that there are already a lot of Supaplex clones available in the wild, makes me believe that I am not doing nothing bad for nobody.

If you are a copyright holder for the Supaplex and you believe that I infringe your rights, please contact me immediately via e-mail [email protected].


Sounds and music were downloaded for free from the Internet (via Google). I do not own any copyright for them.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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