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About ZzzCache

A minimalist and simple PHP cache library implementation. Visit Documentation for more information.



Run through composer

$ composer require juhara/zzzcache

How to use

Implement Cacheable interface

Any class that can be stored in cache manager needs to implements Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\Cacheable interface, which is data() and ttl() method.

  • data() method should return class data.
  • ttl() should return integer value of time to live in millisecond. This value determine how long data will be kept in cache until considered expired.

When reading data from cache, cache manager relies on cache storage interface implementation to provide proper serialization/unserialization when read or write data.

There is one Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\Cacheable implementation provided, Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheable class, which implements data as closure.

$ttl = 60 * 60 * 1; //cache item for 1 hour
$cacheableItem = new Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheable(function () {
    return [
        'dummyData' => 'dummy data'
}, $ttl);

When $cacheableItem->data() is called, it calls closure function pass in constructor and return data that defined in closure.

Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheableFactory class implements Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\CacheableFactoryInterface and acts as factory for Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheable class.

$cacheableFactory = new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheableFactory();
$cacheableItem = $cacheableFactory->build($data, $ttl);

Of course, you are free to implement your own.

Initialize Cache instance

Juhara\ZzzCache\Cache class is default Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\CacheInterface implementation provided with this library.

To use it, you need to provide Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\CacheStorageInterface and Juhara\ZzzCache\Contracts\ExpiryCalculatorInterface implementation.

See Storage Implementation for available CacheStorageInterface implementation.

There is Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ExpiryCalculator class which is default ExpiryCalculatorInterface implementation for this library. See Example


use Juhara\ZzzCache\Cache;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Storages\File;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ExpiryCalculator;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\Md5Hash;

// create a file-based cache where all cache
// files is stored in directory name
// app/storages/cache with
// filename prefixed with string 'cache'
$cache = new Cache(
    new File(
        new Md5Hash(),
    new ExpiryCalculator()

Storage Implementation

Caches need to be stored somewhere. ZzzCache does not implement storage interface. It delegates this to separate library to provide storage implementation, so developer can use storage implementation that suits their needs only. Currently supported implementation is file-based and Redis-based storage.

File-based Storage

To install, run composer

$ composer require juhara/zzzfile

See zzzfile.

Redis-based Storage

To install, run composer

$ composer require juhara/zzzredis

See zzzredis.


Using file as cache storage with zzzfile.


use Juhara\ZzzCache\Cache;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Storages\File;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ExpiryCalculator;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\Md5Hash;

// create a file-based cache where all cache
// files is stored in directory name
// app/storages/cache with
// filename prefixed with string 'cache'
$cache = new Cache(
    new File(
        new Md5Hash(),
    new ExpiryCalculator()

Using Redis as cache storage with zzzredis.


use Juhara\ZzzCache\Cache;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Storages\Redis;
use Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ExpiryCalculator;

// create a redis-based cache
$cache = new Cache(
    new Redis(new \Predis\Client()),
    new ExpiryCalculator()

To get data from cache if available or from slower storage.



try {
    //try to get data from cache if available
    $cachedData = $cache->get('itemNeedToBeCache');        
} catch (\Juhara\ZzzCache\Exceptions\CacheNameNotFound $e) {
    $acacheableItem = new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheable(
        function () {
            //get data from slower storage
            return ['dummyData'=>'dummyData'];
        60 * 60 * 1 //cache item for 1 hour
    $cachedData = $cache->add('itemNeedToBeCache', $acacheableItem)

PSR-16 CacheInterface support

ZzzCache adds support to PSR-16 CacheInterface thorough Juhara\ZzzCache\Psr\AdapterCache class which acts as an adapter. It implements Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface. For example,

$psr16Cache = new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Psr\AdapterCache(
    new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Cache(
        new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Storages\Redis(new \Predis\Client()),
        new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ExpiryCalculator()
    new \Juhara\ZzzCache\Helpers\ClosureCacheableFactory(),
    60 * 60 * 1 //default time to live for 1 hour


Just create PR if you want to improve it.

Thank you.