This is a timetable app meant for NTNU students, but can be expanded to include other universities that rely on TP. The purpose of the app is for students to plan their classes and coordinate events with other students. The app is available in both Norwegian and English.
- Timetable
- Daily view
- Week view
- Date picker
- Select course name alias and color
- View event details
- Create custom events
- Chat rooms
- Course chat rooms
- User-defined chat rooms
- Authentication
- Google single sign-in
- E-mail and password
Users will be asked to sign-in to the app. They can choose between Google or e-mail and password. Feide sign-in is not implemented yet.
User will then see an empty timetable and will have to select their courses. They can use the course's name or ID (course code) to search for it and search in a predefined list. Then save the changes.
Now the classes will show up in the timetable and they have access to the course's chatroom.
Users can click on the cards in the timetable to view details about that class or event.