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Business Calendar library for Java

#businessCalendar4J is a 100% pure Java business calendar library with no extra dependency. You can configure holidays and business hours flexibly, and use predefined public holidays in United States and Japan. Need support for other countries' public holidays? Please contribute!

It is also possible to get information like "Name of the holiday on a specified date", "First business day after a specified date", and "List of holidays in a specified period.".

With BusinessCalenderBuilder, you can specify non-business dates flexibly with lambda expressions, or specify fixed non-business dates at configuration time.



Java 8 or later

Dependency declaration

Add a dependency declaration to pom.xml, or build.gradle as follows:

Maven Central




dependencies {
    compile 'one.cafebabe:businessCalendar4j:1.3.2'

Java modularity

require one.cafebabe.businessCalendar4j

Getting started


  • Initialization ceremony:
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    // where you configure holidays and business hours

Conditions for holidays and business hours are evaluated in the method chain order.


Specify holidays and business hours

  • Set fixed holidays by year-month-day, or month-day.
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    // fixed one-time holiday
    .on(1995, 5, 23).holiday("Java public debut")
    // occurs every year
    .on(5, 19).holiday("James Gosling's birthday")
  • Specify holidays by day of weeks.
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    // fixed holiday by day of weeks.
    .on(DayOfWeek.SUNDAY, DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
        .holiday("closed on Sunday an Wednesday")
    // occurs every 2nd Monday
    .on(2, DayOfWeek.Monday).holiday("closed on every 2nd Monday")
  • Specify business hours by day of weeks, and month-day.
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    // opens 10am to 12pm, 1pm to 3pm on New Year's Eve
    .on(12, 31).hours("10 - 12, 13-15")
    // Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 11:30pm, 1pm to 4:30pm
    .on(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)
        .hours("10AM-11:30 a.m., 1pm to 4:30pm")
    // from Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm

Dates that are not specified business hours are treated as 24 hours open business days.

Below are valid business hour expressions for "Opens from midnight to 8:30am, 9am to noon, 1:30pm to 5pm, 7:31pm to midnight".

business hours
"12 a.m.-8:30,9-12noon, 1:30pm-5pm, 7:31pm-12am"
"12 a.m. - 8:30, 9 - noon,1:30pm-5pm,7:31pm-12am"
"midnight12 - 8:30, 9- noon 12, 1:30pm-5pm,7:31pm-12 midnight"
"12 a.m. to 8:30, 9-12,1:30pm to 5pm, 7:31pm-12am"
"12 a.m. to 8:30 & 9-12,1:30pm to 5pm&7:31pm-12am"
"午前12時 から 午前8時半, 9-正午,午後1時半~午後5時、午後7:31〜午前0時"
  • Configure holidays and business hours with CSV formatted files.

From file system:

BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()

From URL:

BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    .csv(new URL(""))
  • Configure holidays and business hours with a CSV formatted text file, reload every hour
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
    .csv(Paths.get("holidays-business-hours.csv"), Duration.of(1, ChronoUnit.HOURS))
  • Configure holidays and business hours with a CSV formatted text file, reload on demand.
CsvConfiguration conf = CsvConfiguration.getInstance(Paths.get("holidayconf.csv"));
BusinessCalendar calendar = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
// reload at anytime you need.

Below is a valid configuration file format example.

# comment
# opens 24 hours on every 2nd Sunday
holiday,5/1,May 1st
holiday,2021/12/2,Dec 2, 2021
holiday,2/1/2021,just another holiday

Predefined holidays

Predefined public holidays are available in UnitedStates and Japan.

  • Apply Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Independence Day
BusinessCalendar usCal = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()


  • Apply all holidays in U.S.
BusinessCalendar usCal = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
  • Apply Japanese public holidays
BusinessCalendar japanCal = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()
  • Closed on Saturday and Sunday
BusinessCalendar weekDays = BusinessCalendar.newBuilder()

Test holidays

  • Test today is a holiday or business day
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
System.out.println("Is it holiday? " + cal.isHoliday());
System.out.println("Is it business day? " + cal.isBusinessDay());
  • Test whether specified date is a holiday or business day
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
LocalDate may24 = LocalDate.of(2021, 5, 24);
System.out.println("Is it holiday? " + cal.isHoliday(may24));
System.out.println("Is it business day? " + cal.isBusinessDay(may24));
  • Get next, or previous holiday or business day
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
System.out.println("What date is the next holiday? "
    + cal.firstHoliday(LocalDate.of(2021, 5, 24)));
System.out.println("What date was the previous holiday? "
    + cal.lastHoliday(LocalDate.of(2021, 5, 24)));
LocalDate independenceDay = LocalDate.of(2021, 7, 4);
System.out.println("What date is the next business day? "
    + cal.firstBusinessDay(independenceDay));
System.out.println("What date was the previous business day? "
    + cal.lastBusinessDay(independenceDay));

Note that the date is inclusive. In other words, lastHoliday() / firstHoliday() returns the same date if the specified date is a holiday.

Test business hours

  • Test if it's during business hours
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
System.out.println("Is it open? " + cal.isBusinessHour());
  • Test whether specified time is during business hours
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
LocalDateTime may241023 = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 5, 24, 10, 23);
System.out.println("Is it open? " + cal.isBusinessHour(may241023));
  • Get next, or previous business hour start / end
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
LocalDateTime may241023 = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 5, 24, 10, 23);
System.out.println("When will this business hour slot close? " + cal.nextBusinessHourEnd(may241023));
System.out.println("When what the last business hour slot started? " + cal.lastBusinessHourStart(may241023));
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
LocalDateTime may24 = LocalDateTime.of(2021, 5, 24);
// returns an empty list if the specified date is a holiday
List<BusinessHourSlot> slots = cal.getBusinessHourSlots(may24);
System.out.println("Number of business hour slots on May 24, 2021: " + slots.size());
System.out.println("On May 24, 2021, the buness starts from: " + slots.get(0).from;
  • Get holidays and business days in a specified period
BusinessCalendar cal = ...
List<Holiday> holidays = cal.getHolidaysBetween(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 1, 1),
    LocalDateTime.of(2021, 12, 21));
System.out.println("Holidays in 2021: " + holidays);
List<LocalDate> businessDays = cal.getBusinessDaysBetween(LocalDateTime.of(2021, 1, 1),
    LocalDateTime.of(2021, 12, 21));
System.out.println("Business days in 2021: " + businessDays);

Example codes

For holidays, see JapaneseHolidaysExample for Japanese businessCalendar, UnitedStatesHolidaysExample for the United States businessCalendar.

For business hours, see BusinessHoursExample.


Apache License Version 2.0

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