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Welcome to dpt-rp1-cpp

This is a C++ library for file syncing with Sony DPT-RP1 reader, inspired by dpt-rp1-py. In addition to file syncing, our library provides version control using git. The goal is to prevent file loss due to user mistakes or software bugs that may happen during sycing.

Simplest Example

#include <dptrp1.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace dpt;

int main(int argn, char** argv)
    try {
        Dpt dp;
        if (argn > 1) {
        } else {
    } catch (char const* e) {
        cerr << "An error has occured: " << endl;
        cerr << e << endl;

Conflict Resolution Scheme

Conflicts during syncing is resolve as the following:

DPT\Local new modified deleted renamed renamed & modified
new T _ _ _ _
modified _ _ D T x
deleted _ L _ L L
renamed _ T D T B
r & m _ x D B B
  1. New-New Conflict A new file was created locally by user, and a new file of the same relative path is created on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. The content of two files are first compared. If they are the same, then this is not a conflict. Otherwise, the last-modified dates are compared. The later modified file is kept, and the earlier file modified is archived.

  2. New-Modified Conflict A file was modified locally, and a file of the same relative path was created on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. Due how the syncing works, this is logically impossible to happen.

  3. New-Deleted Conflict A file was deleted locally, and a file of the same relative path was created on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. Due how the syncing works, this is logically impossible to happen.

  4. New-Renamed Conflict A file was renamed locally with unchanged content, and a file of the original relative path was created on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. Due how the syncing works, this is logically impossible to happen.

  5. New-Renamed & Modified Conflict A file was renamed locally and has been modified, and a file of the original relative path was created on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. Due how the syncing works, this is logically impossible to happen.

  6. Modified-Modified Conflict Both files are modified locally and on DPT-PR1. This is the most common type of conflict. The last-modified dates are compared, the later one is kept, and the earlier is archived.

  7. Modififed-Deleted Conflict A file was modified locally, and a file of the original relative path was deleted on DPT-RP1, or vice versa. The modified file is kept.

  8. Modified-Renamed Conflict A file was modified locally, and is renamed on DPT-RP1 with unchanged content, or vice versa. The last-modified dates are compared. The modified file is renamed if the renamed file has a later modified date, otherwise the renamed file is renamed back to the original name. In either case, the modified content is kept.

  9. Modified-Renamed & Modified Conflict A file was modified locally, and is renamed on DPT-RP1 and is also modified, or vice versa. Due to how the syncing works, Renamed & Modified is treated as the original file being deleted, and a new file being created. So the modified file is treated as if it has Modified-Deleted Conflict, and the new file is kept.

  10. Deleted-Deleted Conflict This is not a conflict.

  11. Deleted-Renamed Conflict A file was deleted locally, and is renamed on DPT-RP1 with unchanged content, or vice versa. The renamed file is kept.

  12. Delete-Renamed & Modified Conflict A file was deleted locally, and is renamed on DPT-RP1 and is also modified, or vice versa. The new renamed file is kept.

  13. Renamed-Renamed Conflict A file was renamed locally and is renamed on DPT-RP1 with a different name; however, the file contents remain the same both locally and on DPT-RP1. In this case or vice versa, the last-modifed dates are compared, and the later file is kept.

  14. Renamed-Renamed & Modified Conflict A file was renamed locally, and is renamed on DPT-RP1 with a different name. The file on DPT-RP1 has also been modified. Due to how the syncing works, Renamed & Modified is treated as the original file being deleted, and a new file being created. So the renamed file is treated as if it has Deleted-Renamed Conflict, and the new file is kept.

  15. Renamed & Modified-Renamed & Modifed Conflict A file was renamed and modified both locally and on DPT-RP1. Due to how the syncing works, Renamed & Modified is treated as the original file being deleted, and a new file being created. So both files are treated as if they have Delete-Renamed & Modifed Conflict.


File-syncing for Sony DPT-RP1/CP1 + Git version control in C++






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