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What is Whirlpool Stream

Whirlpool Stream is a semi-real-time distribution of the followings:

  • event: instructions executed by Whirlpool program along with useful data
  • account delta: delta data of account data owned by Whirlpool program

Useful data that cannot be obtained from block data, such as price changes before and after swaps, or liquidity changes before and after position operations, can be obtained.

It also provides strong data consistency.

The data delivered is always for the slot with the next block height after the previously delivered block height, and is never missing. In addition, delivery can start from any slot within a 3-day period, so if the stream is disconnected, the stream can be resumed without losing any data.


event stream (default)

account delta stream

event & account delta stream

Whirlpool Stream Endpoint


There are 2 endpoints (orcanauts-a and orcanauts-b) for high availability purpose.

Protocol Endpoint
Server-Sent Events<APIKEY>/stream/refined/sse<APIKEY>/stream/refined/sse

You can try the following "DEMO" endpoint. But its concurrency is 1, so connection will be closed when another request is made.

Protocol Endpoint
Server-Sent Events


Parameter Required Type Default Purpose
slot no u64 latest slot Start sending from the slot right AFTER the specified slot
limit no u64 256 The stream is closed after the specified number of blocks have been sent out.
event no "trade" | "liquidity" | "all" | "none" "all" Send out only specific Whirlpool events
account no "trade" | "all" | "none" "none" Send out only specific Whirlpool account delta


  • slot can be a slot number within the last 3 days. In other words, this endpoint has the ability to start a stream going back 3 days in the past.
  • Even if a large number is specified as limit, the stream will be disconnected once a day. For continuous connection, implement a reconnection mechanism. slot will help implementing reconnection without data loss.


Because this endpoint sends out large amounts of data, abuse must be prevented. Therefore, it uses APIKEY and accepts only one connection per APIKEY at a time.

You can get APIKEY freely if you have Orcanauts NFT. APIKEY is issued for each Orcanauts, and you can view APIKEY by signing by the wallet that holds the orcanauts at the following site (OrcanautsApikey).


  • In OrcanautsApikey site, only message signing is required and transaction signing is never requested.
  • When a Orcanauts NFT is sent from the wallet, APIKEY is deactivated. A new APIKEY will be issued for the destination wallet.
  • Since Orcanauts ownership information is refreshed approximately every 30 minutes, it may take up to 30 minutes for Orcanauts moves to be reflected in APIKEY.
  • It should be noted that this feature is being made available to Orcanauts owners because it was convenient for APIKEY management, with no intention of providing any permanent added value to Orcanauts.

event Parameter


No events is sent out.


All events is sent out.


Only the following events are sent out.

  • Traded


Only the following events are sent out.

  • Traded
  • LiquidityDeposited
  • LiquidityWithdrawn
  • LiquidityPatched
  • PoolInitialized
  • PoolFeeRateUpdated
  • PoolProtocolFeeRateUpdated
  • ConfigInitialized
  • ConfigUpdated
  • ConfigExtensionInitialized
  • ConfigExtensionUpdated
  • FeeTierInitialized
  • FeeTierUpdated
  • TokenBadgeInitialized
  • TokenBadgeDeleted
  • TickArrayInitialized
  • RewardInitialized
  • RewardEmissionsUpdated
  • RewardAuthorityUpdated

account Parameter


No account deltas is sent out.


All account deltas is sent out.


Only the account deltas for the following accounts are sent out.

  • Whirlpool
  • TickArray


Instruction / Event Mapping

  • All instructions are mapped to specific events.
  • Some instructions are mapped to the same event when the effects are very similar.
  • TwoHopSwap and TwoHopSwapV2 generate two Traded events.
  • The upgrade of the program generate special event ProgramDeployed.
Event Instruction
ProgramDeployed (no whirlpool instruction)
ConfigExtensionInitialized InitializeConfigExtension
ConfigExtensionUpdated SetConfigExtensionAuthority
ConfigInitialized InitializeConfig
ConfigUpdated SetFeeAuthority
FeeTierInitialized InitializeFeeTier
FeeTierUpdated SetDefaultFeeRate
LiquidityDeposited IncreaseLiquidity
LiquidityPatched AdminIncreaseLiquidity
LiquidityWithdrawn DecreaseLiquidity
PoolFeeRateUpdated SetFeeRate
PoolInitialized InitializePool
PoolProtocolFeeRateUpdated SetProtocolFeeRate
PositionBundleDeleted DeletePositionBundle
PositionBundleInitialized InitializePositionBundle
PositionClosed ClosePosition
PositionFeesHarvested CollectFees
PositionHarvestUpdated UpdateFeesAndRewards
PositionOpened OpenPosition
PositionRewardHarvested CollectReward
ProtocolFeesCollected CollectProtocolFees
RewardAuthorityUpdated SetRewardAuthority
RewardEmissionsUpdated SetRewardEmissions
RewardInitialized InitializeReward
TickArrayInitialized InitializeTickArray
TokenBadgeDeleted DeleteTokenBadge
TokenBadgeInitialized InitializeTokenBadge
Traded Swap

Event Definition

  • To reduce data size in the stream, field names and values are abbreviated.

ProgramDeployed (PD)

no fields

ConfigExtensionInitialized (CEI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ice" InitializeConfigExtension
c config PubkeyString
ce config_extension PubkeyString
cea config_extension_authority PubkeyString
tba token_badge_authority PubkeyString

ConfigExtensionUpdated (CEU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "scea" SetConfigExtensionAuthority
"stba" SetTokenBadgeAuthority
c config PubkeyString
ce config_extension PubkeyString
ocea old_config_extension_authority PubkeyString value before the event
ncea new_config_extension_authority PubkeyString value after the event
otba old_token_badge_authority PubkeyString value before the event
ntba new_token_badge_authority PubkeyString value after the event

ConfigInitialized (CI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ic" InitializeConfig
c config PubkeyString
fa fee_authority PubkeyString
cpfa collect_protocol_fees_authority PubkeyString
resa reward_emissions_super_authority PubkeyString
dpfr default_protocol_fee_rate u16

ConfigUpdated (CU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "sfa" SetFeeAuthority
"scpfa" SetCollectProtocolFeesAuthority
"sresa" SetRewardEmissionsSuperAuthority
"sdpfr" SetDefaultProtocolFeeRate
c config PubkeyString
ofa old_fee_authority PubkeyString value before the event
nfa new_fee_authority PubkeyString value after the event
ocpfa old_collect_protocol_fee_authority PubkeyString value before the event
ncpfa new_collect_protocol_fee_authority PubkeyString value after the event
oresa old_reward_emissions_super_authority PubkeyString value before the event
nresa new_reward_emissions_super_authority PubkeyString value after the event
odpfr old_default_protocol_fee_rate u16 value before the event
ndpfr new_default_protocol_fee_rate u16 value after the event

FeeTierInitialized (FTI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ift" InitializeFeeTier
c config PubkeyString
ft fee_tier PubkeyString
ts tick_spacing u16
dfr default_fee_rate u16

FeeTierUpdated (FTU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "sdfr" SetDefaultFeeRate
c config PubkeyString
ft fee_tier PubkeyString
ts tick_spacing u16
odfr old_default_fee_rate u16
ndfr new_default_fee_rate u16

LiquidityDeposited (LD)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "il" IncreaseLiquidity
"ilv2" IncreaseLiquidityV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
pa position_authority PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
lta lower_tick_array PubkeyString
uta upper_tick_array PubkeyString
ld liquidity_delta u128
ta transfer_a TransferInfo
tb transfer_b TransferInfo
lti lower_tick_index i32
uti upper_tick_index i32
ldp lower_decimal_price DecimalPrice
udp upper_decimal_price DecimalPrice
opl old_position_liquidity u128 value before the event
npl new_position_liquidity u128 value after the event
owl old_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value before the event
nwl new_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value after the event
wsp whirlpool_sqrt_price u128
wcti whirlpool_current_tick_index i32
wdp whirlpool_decimal_price DecimalPrice

LiquidityPatched (LP)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ail" AdminIncreaseLiquidity
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ld liquidity_delta u128
owl old_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value before the event
nwl new_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value after the event

LiquidityWithdrawn (LW)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "dl" DecreaseLiquidity
"dlv2" DecreaseLiquidityV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
pa position_authority PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
lta lower_tick_array PubkeyString
uta upper_tick_array PubkeyString
ld liquidity_delta u128
ta transfer_a TransferInfo
tb transfer_b TransferInfo
lti lower_tick_index i32
uti upper_tick_index i32
ldp lower_decimal_price DecimalPrice
udp upper_decimal_price DecimalPrice
opl old_position_liquidity u128 value before the event
npl new_position_liquidity u128 value after the event
owl old_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value before the event
nwl new_whirlpool_liquidity u128 value after the event
wsp whirlpool_sqrt_price u128
wcti whirlpool_current_tick_index i32
wdp whirlpool_decimal_price DecimalPrice

PoolFeeRateUpdated (PFRU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "sfr" SetFeeRate
c config PubkeyString
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ofr old_fee_rate u16 value before the event
nfr new_fee_rate u16 value after the event

PoolInitialized (PI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ip" InitializePool
"ipv2" InitializePoolV2
ts tick_spacing u16
sp sqrt_price u128 initial value
dp decimal_price DecimalPrice
c config PubkeyString
tma token_mint_a PubkeyString
tmb token_mint_b PubkeyString
f funder PubkeyString
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ft fee_tier PubkeyString
tpa token_program_a TokenProgram
tpb token_program_b TokenProgram
tda token_decimals_a Decimals
tdb token_decimals_b Decimals
cti current_tick_index i32 initial value
fr fee_rate u16
pfr protocol_fee_rate u16

PoolProtocolFeeRateUpdated (PPFRU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "spfr" SetProtocolFeeRate
c config PubkeyString
w whirlpool PubkeyString
opfr old_protocol_fee_rate u16 value before the event
npfr new_protocol_fee_rate u16 value after the event

PositionBundleDeleted (PBD)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "dpb" DeletePositionBundle
pb position_bundle PubkeyString
pbm position_bundle_mint PubkeyString
pbo position_bundle_owner PubkeyString

PositionBundleInitialized (PBI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ipb" InitializePositionBundle
"ipbwm" InitializePositionBundleWithMetadata
pb position_bundle PubkeyString
pbm position_bundle_mint PubkeyString
pbo position_bundle_owner PubkeyString

PositionClosed (PC)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "cp" ClosePosition
"cbp" CloseBundledPosition
"cpwte" ClosePositionWithTokenExtensions
w whirlpool PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
lti lower_tick_index i32
uti upper_tick_index i32
ldp lower_decimal_price DecimalPrice
udp upper_decimal_price DecimalPrice
pa position_authority PubkeyString
pt position_type "p" Position
"bp" BundledPosition
pm position_mint PubkeyString Position only
pbm position_bundle_mint PubkeyString BundledPosition only
pb position_bundle PubkeyString BundledPosition only
pbi position_bundle_index u16 BundledPosition only

PositionFeesHarvested (PFH)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "cf" CollectFees
"cfv2" CollectFeesV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
pa position_authority PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
ta transfer_a TransferInfo
tb transfer_b TransferInfo

PositionHarvestUpdated (PHU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ufar" UpdateFeesAndRewards
w whirlpool PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString

PositionOpened (PO)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "op" OpenPosition
"opwm" OpenPositionWithMetadata
"obp" OpenBundledPosition
"opwte" OpenPositionWithTokenExtensions
w whirlpool PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
lti lower_tick_index i32
uti upper_tick_index i32
ldp lower_decimal_price DecimalPrice
udp upper_decimal_price DecimalPrice
pa position_authority PubkeyString
pt position_type "p" Position
"bp" BundledPosition
pm position_mint PubkeyString Position only
pbm position_bundle_mint PubkeyString BundledPosition only
pb position_bundle PubkeyString BundledPosition only
pbi position_bundle_index u16 BundledPosition only

PositionRewardHarvested (PRH)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "cr" CollectReward
"crv2" CollectRewardV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
pa position_authority PubkeyString
p position PubkeyString
ri reward_index u8
tr transfer_reward TransferInfo

ProtocolFeesCollected (PFC)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "cpf" CollectProtocolFees
"cpfv2" CollectProtocolFeesV2
c config PubkeyString
w whirlpool PubkeyString
cpfa collect_protocol_fees_authority PubkeyString
ta transfer_a TransferInfo
tb transfer_b TransferInfo

RewardAuthorityUpdated (RAU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "sra" SetRewardAuthority
"srabsa" SetRewardAuthorityBySuperAuthhhhority
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ri reward_index u8
ora old_reward_authority PubkeyString value before the event
nra new_reward_authority PubkeyString value after the event

RewardEmissionsUpdated (REU)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "sre" SetRewardEmissions
"srev2" SetRewardEmissionsV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ri reward_index u8
rm reward_mint PubkeyString
rd reward_decimals Decimals
oepsx64 old_emissions_per_secod_x64 u128 value before the event
nepsx64 new_emissions_per_secod_x64 u128 value after the event

RewardInitialized (RI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ir" InitializeReward
"irv2" InitializeRewardV2
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ri reward_index u8
rm reward_mint PubkeyString
rtp reward_token_program TokenProgram
rd reward_decimals Decimals

TickArrayInitialized (TAI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "ita" InitializeTickArray
w whirlpool PubkeyString
sti start_tick_index i32
ta tick_array PubkeyString

TokenBadgeDeleted (TBD)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "dtb" DeleteTokenBadge
c config PubkeyString
ce config_extension PubkeyString
tm token_mint PubkeyString
tb token_badge PubkeyString

TokenBadgeInitialized (TBI)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "itb" InitializeTokenBadge
c config PubkeyString
ce config_extension PubkeyString
tm token_mint PubkeyString
tb token_badge PubkeyString

Traded (T)

JSON Field Name Type Notes
o origin "s" Swap
"sv2" SwapV2
"thso" TwoHopSwap (one)
"thst" TwoHopSwap (two)
"thsv2o" TwoHopSwapV2 (one)
"thsv2t" TwoHopSwapV2 (two)
w whirlpool PubkeyString
ta token_authority PubkeyString
tm trade_mode "ei" ExactInput
"eo" ExactOutput
td trade_direction "ab" A to B
"ba" B to A
ti transfer_in TransferInfo
to transfer_out TransferInfo
osp old_sqrt_price u128 value before the event
nsp new_sqrt_price u128 value after the event
octi old_current_tick_index i32 value before the event
ncti new_current_tick_index i32 value after the event
odp old_decimal_price DecimalPrice value before the event
ndp new_decimal_price DecimalPrice value after the event
fr fee_rate u16
pfr protocol_fee_rate u16

Type Definition


PublicKey address in Base58 string




Type Notes
"t" Token program
"t2" Token-2022 program


decimal adjusted price with 10 significant digits in scientific notation


JSON Field Name Type Notes
m mint PubkeyString
a amount u64
d decimals u8
tfb transfer_fee_bps u16 TransferFee extension only
tfm transfer_fee_max u64 TransferFee extension only

u64 and u128

Fields with type u64 or u128 will be expressed as string to avoid number type issue in Javascript.

Account Delta

Account change is categorized in the following 3 types:

  • Initialized: a new account has been initialized in the slot
  • Updated: an existing account has been updated in the slot
  • Closed: an existing account has been closed in the slot


Initialized (I)

To initialize an account, you need to initialize account as [0; length] first, then apply each segment data to the zero initialized account.

JSON Field Name Type Notes
p pubkey PubkeyString account address
t account_type AccountType
d delta "I" Initialized
l length u16 account length
s segments Segment[]

Updated (U)

To update an account data, you need to apply each segment data to the account.

JSON Field Name Type Notes
p pubkey PubkeyString account address
t account_type AccountType
d delta "U" Updated
s segments Segment[]

Closed (C)

You need to close the account.

JSON Field Name Type Notes
p pubkey PubkeyString account address
t account_type AccountType
d delta "C" Closed

Type Definition


Account AccountType
Config "C"
ConfigExtension "CE"
FeeTier "FT"
Whirlpool "W"
TickArray "TA"
Position "P"
PositionBundle "PB"
TokenBadgeDeleted "TB"


JSON Field Name Type Notes
o offset u16
d data String Base64 encoding

Notes About Delta

The deltas are derived from state changes on a per-slot basis. Therefore, the behavior is as follows:

  • Deltas for accounts updated multiple times within a single slot are consolidated into a single record.
  • If the result of updates within a slot matches the final state of the previous slot, no deltas are output.
  • If an account is initialized and then closed within the same slot, no deltas are output.
  • If an account is closed and then reinitialized within the same slot, the delta is recorded as Updated.

The purpose of account delta is to maintain snapshots of account states at the slot level, not to track changes for each instruction or transaction. The responsibility of tracking instructions or transactions lies with events.

Stream Format

Control Message


If the stream is successfully started, this will be the first push.

{ "ctrl": "opened" }


This is pushed every 5 seconds if there is no event to be pushed. It works as a heartbeat to check the availability of the stream.

{ "ctrl": "nodata" }


This will be pushed when the stream is closed by the server.

{ "ctrl": "closed", reason: "why stream was closed" }

Data Message

  • Data is sent out for each slot.
  • Data will be sent out even if the slot has no Whirlpool events or Whirlpool account delta.
  • If both event and account are sent out, the data for event is always sent first.
  • Field names are abbreviated to reduce data size.

Event Data Layout

  • The data consists of slot(s), block height(h), block time(t), and an array of successful transactions(x) that generated Whirlpool events.
  • A transaction consists of signature(s), payer(p), and Whirlpool events(e).
  "ctrl": "data.event",
  "data": {
    "s": slot(u64),
    "h": block_height(u64),
    "t": block_time(i64),
    "x": [
        "s": signature(String),
        "p": payer(PubkeyString),
        "e": [
            "n": event_name,
            "p": event_payload
        "s": signature(String),
        "p": payer(PubkeyString),
        "e": [
            "n": event_name,
            "p": event_payload
            "n": event_name,
            "p": event_payload

Event Data Example

  "ctrl": "data.event",
  "data": {
    "s": 291135497,
    "h": 270037006,
    "t": 1726923014,
    "x": [
        "s": "2utjgteoUEHwTye5c9FcSFrYtSXPuqqd8rUyjfaDzC4orGnmpKGaz6YuQPC5UL8xy6EM1E9aBuo9ggspLsBQqmjZ",
        "p": "EV5yEvwrvxtCEKCYPeQfZjFbSus8am6imeuSmuiy8nwk",
        "e": [
            "n": "T",
            "p": {
              "o": "s",
              "w": "u41JpbKrcPuzJwRTPU6gDysoFqKPpEZe9YmHdszQTJ1",
              "ta": "EV5yEvwrvxtCEKCYPeQfZjFbSus8am6imeuSmuiy8nwk",
              "tm": "ei",
              "td": "ba",
              "ti": {
                "m": "AT79ReYU9XtHUTF5vM6Q4oa9K8w7918Fp5SU7G1MDMQY",
                "a": "483000000000",
                "d": 9
              "to": {
                "m": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
                "a": "40676329",
                "d": 9
              "osp": "2007772056178763944824",
              "nsp": "2012273396536558242462",
              "octi": 93802,
              "ncti": 93847,
              "odp": "1.184648110e4",
              "ndp": "1.189965927e4",
              "fr": 100,
              "pfr": 1
        "s": "2ds3GGMsqRjLNosNYsV6UG7sagNtrwKEZfkeY8p7Q6KJCT762sTXmtgBnxHizHsJ2r5XUEJjej9LnAGGawDfaDZD",
        "p": "kitrFdc3LuHJPuEstuyP7a9XsYo6DCeEBjeW6AasXxV",
        "e": [
            "n": "T",
            "p": {
              "o": "sv2",
              "w": "9Vh6fqJjDkqSTZ8bDXseVxGb2yQEMkEhhtte2anQCHSf",
              "ta": "kitrFdc3LuHJPuEstuyP7a9XsYo6DCeEBjeW6AasXxV",
              "tm": "ei",
              "td": "ab",
              "ti": {
                "m": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
                "a": "77179200",
                "d": 9
              "to": {
                "m": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
                "a": "11330995",
                "d": 6,
                "tfb": 0,
                "tfm": "0"
              "osp": "7071226517991932064",
              "nsp": "7067833458265632609",
              "octi": -19179,
              "ncti": -19188,
              "odp": "1.469433898e2",
              "ndp": "1.468024049e2",
              "fr": 400,
              "pfr": 1
            "n": "T",
            "p": {
              "o": "sv2",
              "w": "JDELdNKDVFQqAodu79QcgnYbZJA8H3HXKxLQ7MzxByZb",
              "ta": "kitrFdc3LuHJPuEstuyP7a9XsYo6DCeEBjeW6AasXxV",
              "tm": "ei",
              "td": "ba",
              "ti": {
                "m": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
                "a": "11330995",
                "d": 6,
                "tfb": 0,
                "tfm": "0"
              "to": {
                "m": "KMNo3nJsBXfcpJTVhZcXLW7RmTwTt4GVFE7suUBo9sS",
                "a": "146352254",
                "d": 6
              "osp": "5132516088839478017",
              "nsp": "5132563004262961042",
              "octi": -25588,
              "ncti": -25587,
              "odp": "7.741430048e-2",
              "ndp": "7.741571575e-2",
              "fr": 100,
              "pfr": 1

Account Data Layout

  • The data consists of slot(s), block height(h), block time(t), and an array of updated accounts(a) whose data was updated in the slot.
  • An account delta data consists of pubkey(p), account type(t), delta(d) and some additional info for the delta.
  "ctrl": "data.account",
  "data": {
    "s": slot(u64),
    "h": block_height(u64),
    "t": block_time(i64),
    "a": [
        "p": account_address(PubkeyString)
        "t": account_type,
        "d": "U" (updated),
        "s": [
          { "o": offset,"d": delta(Base64) },
          { "o": offset,"d": delta(Base64) },
        "p": account_address(PubkeyString)
        "t": account_type,
        "d": "I" (initialized),
        "l": account_data_length,
          { "o": offset,"d": delta(Base64) },
          { "o": offset,"d": delta(Base64) },
        "p": account_address(PubkeyString)
        "t": account_type,
        "d": "C" (closed)

Account Data Example

  "ctrl": "data.account",
  "data": {
    "s": 310236169,
    "h": 288569517,
    "t": 1735343857,
    "a": [
        "p": "5xBsx79W4mbfqf4r81wJztwDmsH3FK7enbBYaYjppEQ6",
        "t": "TA",
        "d": "U",
        "s": [
          {"o": 1482, "d": "Ifhk7fn//////////////98HmxIG"}
        "p": "5xMH1GGP1jyrbMoSsxRNQXGuvjnyte2eYHJy3hVGd6sz",
        "t": "TA",
        "d": "U",
        "s": [
          {"o": 2047, "d": "DZOoTBMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEUdwcMW"},
          {"o": 6341, "d": "JUZbMAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMfAsP0W"}
        "p": "4Eq688gAJRJiRzhFR4tKpVyRhknDvC8UkqsLmfsEzFFX",
        "t": "W",
        "d": "U",
        "s": [
          {"o": 261, "d": "8Q=="}
        "p": "CDhRbmFymzdNXAnkLDgLHwCwZewqMVBbkLQSMSyJhpu2",
        "t": "P",
        "d": "I",
        "l": 216,
        "s": [
          {"o": 0, "d": "qryP5HpA99CyNpDX0HWNHV2LiVDOx6m018ea6P+1xroNvWKhmDeTW2OOeGAMXNoW139U0T4A1hdjw/acLuJuN4g+pscc+WXxE4dd6oYAAAAAAAAAAAAAANi8//9Yv///aJkovOtGTwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwIBct8gpCw=="}
        "p": "AresKgKg6TsuiFBcTeVxYXQoJC6E5d11JN8rw4YWQ5Q9",
        "t": "P",
        "d": "C"


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