- Canbus analyzing tools.
- Support
- Input
- CANUSB device
- candump *.log
- vehicle spy *.csv
- Output
- Candump format *.log
- Canbus messages view (Time stamp, ID, size, Message data and Message ascii)
- Message data w/ coloring diff data
- Message interval msec (average and variance)
- Input
- Language: Python3.x
- libraries: python-can, cantools, pySerial, sympy, click, ctype on windows
- OS: Windows, Linux, macOS
- Device: CANUSB on Windows/Linux and any other CAN I/F can be use python-can
- cpoy your project directory
- then run canana.py or import interface as library
- read candump logfile *.log
import interface
inf = interface.candump("dump.log")
while 1:
msg = inf.recv()
if msg is None:
ts, dev_name, msg_id, msg_size, msg_dat = msg.timestamp, msg.channel, msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc, msg.data.hex()
print("(%f) %s %03X#%s" % (ts, dev_name, msg_id, msg_dat))
- read vehiclespy logfile *.csv
import interface
inf = interface.vehiclespy("dump.csv")
while 1:
msg = inf.recv()
if msg is None:
ts, dev_name, msg_id, msg_size, msg_dat = msg.timestamp, msg.channel, msg.arbitration_id, msg.dlc, msg.data.hex()
print("(%f) %s %03X#%s" % (ts, dev_name, msg_id, msg_dat))