image: registry.gitlab.com/youtous/rainloop:latest
container_name: rainloop
- "80:8888"
- /mnt/docker/rainloop:/rainloop/data
- mailserver
Rainloop is a simple, modern & fast web-based client. More details on the official website.
This fork https://github.com/hardware/rainloop maintains a docker image for the latest version of rainloop using debian stretch image as base. It also provides some security enhancements, see below.
Rainloop version: 1.16.0
- Lightweight & secure image (no root process)
- Based on Debian-buster
- Latest Rainloop Community Edition (stable)
- Contacts (DB) : sqlite, mysql or pgsql (server not built-in)
- With Nginx and PHP8
- Postfixadmin-change-password plugin
- Redirects Rainloop log files to docker logs, allowing fail2ban processing
- Periodically rotates rainloop log files (errors, auth)
- GPG_FINGERPRINT : fingerprint of signing key
- 8888
Variable | Description | Type | Default value |
UID | rainloop user id | optional | 991 |
GID | rainloop group id | optional | 991 |
UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE | Attachment size limit | optional | 25M |
LOG_TO_STDERR | Enable nginx and php error logs to stderr | optional | true |
MEMORY_LIMIT | PHP memory limit | optional | 128M |
SECURE_COOKIES | PHP Cookies Secure Only (HTTPS required) | optional | true |
/!\ Security: Restrict admin interface after configuration is done.
Authentication failures are logged using the following pattern:
[{date:Y-m-d H:i:s}] Auth failed: ip={request:ip} user={imap:login} host={imap:host} port={imap:port}
You can configure fail2ban jails and filter as it follows:
failregex = Auth failed: ip=<HOST> user=.* host=.* port=.*$
ignoreregex =
enabled = true
port = http,https
backend = systemd # systemd is used as a source of logs, docker logs are redirected to systemd