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📦 Truewallet Gift Vouchers with Golang

⠀⠀Today, people who make websites about purchasing goods or anything related to that transaction. They will have one of the transaction options, Truewallet, which is widely used in Thailand. However, we cannot use the core of the transaction in the normal way. Unless you are a company and request to use the services of the official Truewallet for the core of the transaction.

⠀⠀Until Truewallet has created a Gift Voucher to send money on any occasion through a link that Truewallet has generated. Just send the link to someone else and they will be able to receive your money.

Of course, it's public. There is no encryption whatsoever, so developers can apply it to their websites.

⚗️ functions/campaign.go (✅ 709 Bytes)

This is a file that sends data to Truewallet Gift Voucher service and it will callback back as Json.

package functions

import (

func NewRequestCampaign(mobile_number, campaign_link string) (string, error) {
	campaign_code := strings.Replace(campaign_link, "", "", -1)
	campaign_url := "" + campaign_code + "/redeem"
	payload, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{"mobile": mobile_number})
	response_campaign, err := http.Post(campaign_url, "application/json", bytes.NewBuffer(payload))
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	defer response_campaign.Body.Close()

	body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(response_campaign.Body)

    return string(body), nil

🥴 The way I have it is to send all data in json format for easy and flexible management. You can select everything to be returned.

func NewRequestCampaign(mobile_number, campaign_link) { /* Code */ }

You can see that the func NewRequestCampaign It requires two parameters to send data to Truewallet:

  • mobile_number Is the phone number of the registered with Truewallet and used for receiving money from campaign.
  • campaign_link It is a link created to receive money from the account owner of that link. (Such as{%#@})

⚗️ /example.go (✅ 1.47 Kilobytes)

Here is an example file I created to simulate as backend to pass data to front end via json.

package main

import (


type Voucher struct {
	Mobile string `json:"mobile"`
	Code   string `json:"code"`

type Handler struct {
	Status struct {
		Code string `json:"code"`
	} `json:"status"`

func main() {
	perform := fiber.New(fiber.Config{StrictRouting: true})

	perform.Post("/transactions", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
		voucher := new(Voucher)
		if err := c.BodyParser(voucher); err != nil {
			return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
				"Code":    400,
				"Message": "Bad Request",

		redeemer, err := functions.NewRequestCampaign(voucher.Mobile, voucher.Code)
		if err != nil {
			return c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).JSON(fiber.Map{
				"Code":    400,
				"Message": "Bad Request",

		handler := new(Handler)
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(redeemer), handler); err != nil {
			return c.Status(fiber.StatusUnprocessableEntity).JSON(fiber.Map{
				"Code":    422,
				"Message": "Unprocessable Entity",

		return c.Status(fiber.StatusOK).JSON(fiber.Map{
			"Code":    handler.Status.Code,
			"Message": "<You can edit the message for your service.>",


In this code, I use a web framework called Fiber to manage the transmitted data. Convert to json format data and send data to frontend.

You can execute this file for testing via: