- Frontend: React
- Server-side Rendering: Next.js
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Data abstraction layer: Prisma
- Storage: MongoDB
- Authentication: NextAuth
- Deploy: Vercel
- Typescript
- the entire website fully
The entire website fully responsive across all devices.
- credential login: username + password
- profile: automatically generated once we register
- homepage: loaded with a random movie-billboard
- movies: load from database
- favourites: add movies as favourites
- botton: shows more information about the movie
- play the movie
- Google and GitHub oauth login
This project has been deployed on Vercel, and the link is https://netflix-clone-des61jf1p-yifan-chens-projects-1cf68c6f.vercel.app/auth. Registration and login with a username and password, as well as login with GitHub authorization, work normally. However, Google OAuth cannot be used for unknown reasons.
See the following link: https://yfchenkeepgoing.github.io/2024/02/22/Full-Stack-Netflix-Clone/
See the following link: https://yfchenkeepgoing.github.io/2024/03/07/Summary-of-full-stack-netflix-clone/