Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv .env
Activate virtual environment
source .env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
or if you only need minimal dependencies for preprocessing
pip install -Ur requirements_preprocessing.txt
Run in develop mode
python develop
If rawdata.hdf5 file is present, it should be placed in
before building the container so the container can mount it.
Build docker container
docker build -t ml_heat_image .
Run docker container and attach to it
docker run -it -v ${PWD}/ml_heat/__data_store__:/ml_heat/ml_heat/__data_store__ --privileged ml_heat_image
Note that inside the container, you have to substitute python3
for python
. These instructions should also work with podman instead of docker.
pytest tests/
This step is only possible with developer access to smaxtec google cloud (not necessary if rawdata.hdf5 is already present)
Establish port forwarding into the cluster
kubectl get pods
kubectl port-forward {podname} 8787:8787
Download data
python ml_heat/data_loading/
This step uses the downloaded rawdata, generates a few features and puts the data into a hdf5 database that can be read with vaex
Perform preprocessing & data cleaning
python ml_heat/preprocessing/