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MusicBrainz - External URLs - Internet Archive Service

(Sorry for such a long messy name, will update later ig)

Current Implementation (WIP)

We want to get URLs from edit_data and edit_note tables, and archive them in Internet Archive history. The app provides multiple command line functionalities to archive URLs from edit_data and edit_note tables: CLI functionality

We create a external_url_archiver schema, under which we create the required table, functions, trigger to make the service work.

Following are the long-running tasks:

  1. poller task
    • Create a Poller implementation which:
      • Gets the last edit_note id from internet_archive_urls table. We start polling the edit_note table from this id.
    • Poll edit_note table for URLs
    • Transformations to required format
    • Save output to internet_archive_urls table
  2. archival task
    • Has 2 parts:
      1. notifer
        • Creates a Notifier implementation which:
          • Fetches the last unarchived URL row from internet_archive_urls table, and start notifying from this row id.
          • Initialises a postgres function notify_archive_urls, which takes the start_id integer value, from where we start notifying the channel in one go.
        • Reads internet_archive_urls table periodically, and notifies the task which will save the URLS, through a channel called archive_urls.
      2. listener
        • Listens to the archive_urls channel, and makes the necessary Wayback Machine API request (The API calls are still to be made).

See the app architecture here

Local setup

  • Make sure musicbrainz db and the required database tables are present.
  • Follow to install the required containers and db dumps.
  • Rename the .env.example to .env.
  • After ensuring musicbrainz_db is running on port 5432, Run the script in scripts dir.

There are 2 methods to run the program:

  1. Build the project and run.
    • Make sure rust is installed.
    •    cargo build &&
  2. Use the Dockerfile
    • Note that the container has to run in the same network as musicbrainz db network bridge.
    1. cargo sqlx prepare
    2. docker buildx build --build-arg PGHOST=musicbrainz-docker-db-1 -t mb-exurl-ia-service:latest .
    3. docker run -e PGHOST=musicbrainz-docker-db-1 --network musicbrainz-docker_default --init mb-exurl-ia-service:latest


MusicBrainz-External URLs-Internet Archive Service






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