Cerastes is a pure python Client and library for Hadoop Yarn. The client uses RPC protobuf for communicating with Yarn services and provides a convinient python API for performing administration tasks on Yarn.
- Implement ResourceManager Administration Protocol
- Implement ResourceManager Application Management Protocol
- Implement HistoryServer Applications monitoring Protocol
- Support both secure (Kerberos,Token) and insecure clusters
- Supports HA cluster and implements HA ResourceManager Administration Tasks
- Command line interface to interactively interact with YARN RCP apis on a python shell.
- Works on Hadoop 2.0.0, tested mainly against CDH 5.x
Cerastes releases are available through pypi at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/cerastes/
To install simply run:
$ pip install cerastes
Cerastes provides different Clients depending on the PRC Endpoint to communicate with, currently the supported client types are:
- YarnAdminClient : Yarn Resource Manager administration client (non HA).
- YarnHARMClient : Yarn Resource Manager HA administration client, this client only implements the HAService protocol and is limited to one Ressource Manager.
- YarnAdminHAClient: Yarn Resource Manager HA administration client, this client implements all yarn RM administration tasks and HA tasks (like failover).
- YarnRMApplicationClient: Yarn Resource Manager Application protocol, perform yarn applications management tasks.
Currently the interactive python shell client is the easiest way to use cerastes:
>>> import cerastes.client as client
>>> RMCLIENT = client.YarnAdminClient(host="nn.hadoop.localdomain", port= 8033, use_sasl=True, yarn_rm_principal="[email protected]", version=9)
>>> RMCLIENT.get_groups_for_user("yassine.azzouz")
>>> RMCLIENT.add_to_cluster_node_labels('test')
>>> HACLIENT = client.YarnAdminHAClient([{'host': "nn.hadoop.localdomain", 'port': 8033},{'host': "nn02.hadoop.localdomain", 'port': 8033}], use_sasl=True, yarn_rm_principal="[email protected]", version=9)
>>> HACLIENT.explicit_failover(force=True)
>>> CLIENT = client.YarnHAAdminClient(host="nn.hadoop.localdomain", port=8033, use_sasl=True, yarn_rm_principal="yarn/[email protected]", version=9)
>>> CLIENT.get_service_status()
{'state': 'ACTIVE', 'readyToBecomeActive': True}
>>> APPCLIENT = client.YarnRMApplicationClient([{'host': "nn.hadoop.localdomain", 'port': 8032}], use_sasl=True, yarn_rm_principal="yarn/[email protected]", version=9)
>>> APPCLIENT.get_applications()
I'd love to hear what you think about cerastes and appreciate any idea or suggestion, Pull requests are also very welcome!