oasis is a simple HTTP, PROXY, CGI, WSGI server written in pure python.
- Python 2.6 - 2.7 (dose not support python 3.x)
You want to use latest version, you can use git clone from github.com.
$ git clone https://github.com/yanolab/oasis.git
$ cd oasis
$ sudo python setup.py install
Run the following command and See the help.
$ python -m oasis.serve -h
usage: python -m oasis.serve [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIGFILE] [-a ADDRESS] [-p PORT]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose print configuration.
config file.
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
server address.
-p PORT, --port PORT server port.
Configuration is JSON format. Default configuration is there.
"":[{"route":["/cgi-bin", "/htbin"], "handler":"cgi"},
{"route":"/wsgi", "handler":"wsgi", "config":{"app":"oasis.wsgi.envdump.application"}},
{"route":"/", "handler":"localfile"}],
"*":{"route":"/", "handler":"pipe"}
"hooks":["processtime", "requestcounter"]
You can write the configuration of each domain under the "apps". If domain is empty ('""'), it means, and '"*"' means any domain. If you want to use proxy the specification domain, write domain on there.
For example, "www.google.com": {"route":"/", "handler":"localfile"}
is proxy from any request for www.google.com porxy to local file.
Handler is the only one on each route. Handlers are localfile(WWW), pipe(PROXY), cgi, wsgi. Global hooks is under "hooks". Each route can have "hook". If you want to use your handler, write your script import path on "handler".
- 2013-5-7 v0.9.0 first release
- 2013-10-12 v0.9.1 fixed document